MIT researchers develop new way to clean air, oceans

MIT researchers develop new carbon capture method Remove carbon dioxide from the world’s oceans. A paper published in Energy & Environmental Science details the process, which involves two electrochemical cells with silver and bismuth electrodes.

The first cell releases protons into seawater, converting them into carbon dioxide, which is then collected by vacuum. The second cell restores the seawater to a more basic state and releases it back into the ocean, without carbon dioxide.It is reported that this method has relatively Low energy consumption and high electronic efficiencyin progress May be more cost-effective than air carbon capture technology.

The researchers stressed the importance of removing carbon dioxide from the ocean, which absorbs 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere and 20 times more than all the world’s plants and soil combined. Ocean acidification caused by high carbon dioxide concentrations is a growing concern, affecting marine life and damaging ecosystems.

Currently, 26% of the carbon dioxide produced by human activities is absorbed by the ocean, leading to widespread acidification of the ocean. The researchers emphasized that The concentration of carbon dioxide in seawater is more than 100 times that in the airhighlighting the importance of water-based carbon capture.

The captured carbon dioxide can be stored under the sea or used on land to produce fuels, chemicals or other products. The new technology, expected to be demonstrated in 2025, could provide an efficient and effective way to remove carbon dioxide from the ocean and help reduce the environmental impact of this greenhouse gas.

The researchers believe that ocean-based carbon capture methods have been underestimated compared to air-based methods, and their innovative approach appears to have the potential to become an important tool in solving the problem of climate change.

Submitted under green. Learn more about ecology (environment) and science.

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