The idea of Force-sensitive clones isn’t surprising at all—it’s a been repeatedly explored exist Star Wars‘The old Expanded Universe, in contemporary canon, we know the potential is possible, considering how Palpatine eventually returns The rise of skywalker.But one interesting thing is bad batch What’s been lacking in the Expanded Universe’s exploration of the concept, subtly highlighted in this mix, is that clones are actually their own people in the Force tapestry, just as they are copies of others.
The fact that Omega is Force-sensitive and Jango Fett is not does not imply any continuity; in fact, Daxon could be made from Palpatine’s own genetic material and not inherit his powers.And in the old EU, like countless emperor clones dark empire Or – to keep things closer to Mount Thantis – a clone like Luke or Jorus Serbaus, cloning a Force-sensitivity is just as easy as any other kind of clone: when you copy-paste a Force-sensitive When the powerful are present, it happens. This not only adds personality and humanity to the clone, but also makes it very similar to other clones. bad batch has been exploring the life of the clone army after the Empire is exhausted – no matter who they are or who they are made of, they are also organically connected to the beings of the galaxy as a whole on a spiritual level, and can grow to learn how to relate to This connection makes for a tangible interaction – which also helps sell the fact that what Palpatine is trying to do is harddesperate, and strangely pathetic.
In fact, he spent decades conducting extensive secret experiments to even get the shriveled shell we see. rise is a testament to this desperation and what makes Palpatine the source of so much evil. Star Wars At least it feels the most interesting.The Force will work wherever you want and talk to anyone it Want, rather than surrender to the will of exact science and tyrannical monsters. It’s the perfect balance between the metaphorical grenade and age-old ideals brought about by the existence of midi-chlorians 25 years ago. Star Wars: That Anyone can tap into this power With enough practice and will.