Study finds TikTok is mostly lurkers

A recent Pew Research Center study found that there are more lurkers on TikTok than creators. The fact base surveyed 2,745 adult TikTok users in the United States, observing the account and posting behavior of 869 respondents.

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Is it so cute to meet someone? TikTok has ideas.

You’re not the only camera-shy user: 52% of adults surveyed have never posted on TikTok, and only 40% have posted a video publicly. All in all, a small number of users make up the majority of the content on the platform.

As befits the power user model on other platforms, posters interact much more with other accounts on the platform. The median number of accounts that posters follow is almost four times that of non-posters. The median poster posted 6 TikTok contents and received 149 likes. Unsurprisingly, posters are also nearly five times more likely to customize their profile.

Surprisingly, the age group with the highest number of respondents posting TikTok videos is not the youngest group, but the 35 to 49 age group.

The Pew Research Center also surveyed U.S. adults about their views on “Recommended for You” pages. And the addictive algorithm appears to be working. About 85% of respondents found the content “at least somewhat interesting,” while 40% found it “extremely or very interesting.” Only 14% said their five-year plan was “not very interesting or not interesting at all.”

What videos turn these respondents off? Is it daily videos of my life, hungry cook or travel expert. We may never know.

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