A random player and I were surrounded by giant alien bugs that wanted to rip our entrails out and eat our bones. We’re trying to destroy their nest, which is in a rocky crater on some remote alien planet. Low on ammo, out of health, and unsure of what to do next, it looked like we were screwed.but this is Hellraiser 2—We have powerful tools at our disposal, such as massive air strikes or automated turrets. My teammate called in an airstrike before me, ran into the fight, dropped it at his feet, and started throwing grenades. “Get out! I’m going to take them with me!” he shouted. I swooped down on an angry dog-sized insect and slid out of the crater, explosions and gunfire ringing out behind me.Then there is a big Prosperity. I turned around. He did it. He saves the world, killing two dozen bugs and destroying their evil lair. — Zach Zwiesen
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