even before Disney+ series Released in December last year Percy Jackson The universe seems ready to expand with a movie trilogy Kane Chronicles Pre-ordered on Netflix.But four years after that incident came to light, the author Rick Riordan It has been revealed that the streamer will not be continuing the effort.
Talk to a curious fan good readingRiordan said Netflix ultimately decided against bringing the books to the small screen, ultimately letting the project languish in option hell for a few years. Therefore, any studio that wants to continue making a movie will have to pay for pre-production costs before they can actually do anything with it. According to him, this is “not unusual at all,” and he said frankly that all streamers are tightening their belts and canceling shows. do their best To save money.
even recently Renewed for second season for Percy Jackson and the Gods of Olympus, it doesn’t stop Kane Get guidance from. As for another planned spin-off of in-universe character Magnus Chase that Riordan has mentioned in the past, that’s “[held] In reserve. I don’t want to do it until I have the bandwidth to do it properly,” he admits, “As you might have guessed, I’m very busy! “
this Kane Chronicles The focus is on magician brothers Carter and Sadie, who, like Percy, are descendants of gods. But Percy and the immediate characters around him come from Greek gods, the Kane brothers are descendants of Narmer and Ramses the Great, and their adventures revolve more around Egyptian history and mythology. Their trilogy (and accompanying short stories) also has a more YA slant than the Mothership series.
and Percy Already on Disney+, it wouldn’t be surprising if Disney decides to jump on board Kane Bring the entire enterprise under its banner.But it all depends on the future of the streaming industry and how long Disney is willing to hang on Percy Jackson first.
[via Variety]
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