INVENTION | FREE FULL TEXT | Particle number concentration and SEM-EDX analysis of auxiliary heating units operating with different fossil and renewable fuels

figure 1.
Experimental setup [own recording, editing].

figure 1.
Experimental setup [own recording, editing].

Invention 09 00013 g001

figure 2.
Dry matter content samples and location for analysis [own editing].

figure 2.
Dry matter content samples and location for analysis [own editing].

Invention 09 00013 g002

image 3.
Construction of fuel-air heaters and mixture-forming related components [own recording, editing].

image 3.
Construction of fuel-air heaters and mixture-forming related components [own recording, editing].

Invention 09 00013 g003

Figure 4.
Particle number concentration of fuels (E10, E30 and E100) during the cycle.

Figure 4.
Particle number concentration of fuels (E10, E30 and E100) during the cycle.

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Figure 5.
Total particulate matter emissions from different fuels.

Figure 5.
Total particulate matter emissions from different fuels.

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Figure 6.
Change in lambda value (upper part) as the ethanol content increases and the fuel pump and fan control signals (lower part) during the startup phase.

Figure 6.
Change in lambda value (upper part) as the ethanol content increases and the fuel pump and fan control signals (lower part) during the startup phase.

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Figure 7.
The particle number concentration changes during the startup phase.

Figure 7.
The particle number concentration changes during the startup phase.

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Figure 8.
Total particulate matter emissions from different fuels during the start-up phase.

Figure 8.
Total particulate matter emissions from different fuels during the start-up phase.

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Figure 9.
Change in lambda value (upper part) as the ethanol content increases and the fuel pump and fan control signals (lower part) in the steady state phase.

Figure 9.
Change in lambda value (upper part) as the ethanol content increases and the fuel pump and fan control signals (lower part) in the steady state phase.

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Figure 10.
The particle number concentration changes during the steady-state phase.

Figure 10.
The particle number concentration changes during the steady-state phase.

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Figure 11.
Total particulate emissions during the steady state phase for different fuels.

Figure 11.
Total particulate emissions during the steady state phase for different fuels.

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Figure 12.
Change in lambda value (upper part) as the ethanol content increases and the fuel pump and fan control signals (lower part) in the burnout stage.

Figure 12.
Change in lambda value (upper part) as the ethanol content increases and the fuel pump and fan control signals (lower part) in the burnout stage.

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Figure 13.
Particle number concentration changes during the burnout phase.

Figure 13.
Particle number concentration changes during the burnout phase.

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Figure 14.
The total amount of particulate matter emissions during the burnout stage of different fuels.

Figure 14.
The total amount of particulate matter emissions during the burnout stage of different fuels.

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Figure 15.
Changes in particle number concentration of E10 and B7 during the startup phase.

Figure 15.
Changes in particle number concentration of E10 and B7 during the startup phase.

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Figure 16.
Operating parameters of E10 and B7 during startup phase (upper part: Air coefficient; Middle part: Fan and fuel pump; lower part: flame temperature).

Figure 16.
Operating parameters of E10 and B7 during startup phase (upper part: Air coefficient; Middle part: Fan and fuel pump; lower part: flame temperature).

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Figure 17.
Changes in particle number concentration of E10 and B7 during the steady state stage.

Figure 17.
Changes in particle number concentration of E10 and B7 during the steady state stage.

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Figure 18.
The operating parameters of E10 and B7 in the steady state stage (upper part: Air coefficient; Middle part: Fan and fuel pump; lower part: flame temperature).

Figure 18.
The operating parameters of E10 and B7 in the steady state stage (upper part: Air coefficient; Middle part: Fan and fuel pump; lower part: flame temperature).

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Figure 19.
Changes in particle number concentration of E10 and B7 during the burnout stage.

Figure 19.
Changes in particle number concentration of E10 and B7 during the burnout stage.

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Figure 20.
Operating parameters of E10 and B7 in the burnout stage (upper part: Air coefficient; Middle part: Fan and fuel pump; lower part: flame temperature).

Figure 20.
Operating parameters of E10 and B7 in the burnout stage (upper part: Air coefficient; Middle part: Fan and fuel pump; lower part: flame temperature).

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Figure 21.
The combustion chamber is in a clean state (left) and after using it for a period of time (correct) (No.: 1—pore, 2—evaporator, 3—glow plug, 4—sediment).

Figure 21.
The combustion chamber is in a clean state (left) and after using it for a period of time (correct) (No.: 1—pore, 2—evaporator, 3—glow plug, 4—sediment).

Invention 09 00013 g021

Figure 22.
Amount of soot deposited in the burner basket as a function of changes in bioethanol—visual inspection.

Figure 22.
Amount of soot deposited in the burner basket as a function of changes in bioethanol—visual inspection.

Invention 09 00013 g022

Figure 23.
Elemental composition of soot particles produced during the combustion of fuels containing different percentages of ethanol.

Figure 23.
Elemental composition of soot particles produced during the combustion of fuels containing different percentages of ethanol.

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Figure 24.
The mass percent ratio of the carbon and oxygen content of the soot sample to the ethanol content of the fuel.

Figure 24.
The mass percent ratio of the carbon and oxygen content of the soot sample to the ethanol content of the fuel.

Invention 09 00013 g024

Figure 25.
The mass percentages of fluorine and zinc content in the soot samples were compared to the ethanol content in the fuel.

Figure 25.
The mass percentages of fluorine and zinc content in the soot samples were compared to the ethanol content in the fuel.

Invention 09 00013 g025

Figure 26.
The mass percentage of soot trace components and fuel ethanol content.

Figure 26.
The mass percentage of soot trace components and fuel ethanol content.

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Table 1.
Research fuels and their standards.

Table 1.
Research fuels and their standards.

Investigate fuel Related standards
E10 EN 228 [8]
E30 (mixture of E10 and E100 by volume) EN 228 and EN 15376 [9]
E100 EN 15376
B7 EN 590 [7]

Table 2.
Components of exhaust and chamber analysis measurement systems [own editing].

Table 2.
Components of exhaust and chamber analysis measurement systems [own editing].

path scope equipment brand, type
Air Intake air humidity and temperature Humidity and temperature sensors Vaisala HMT310
combustion flame temperature Thermocouple Type N sensor with QuantumX MX1609B
excess air ratio Oxygen Sensor Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband sensor with ETAS ES636.1 module
exhaust Exhaust gas temperature Thermocouple Type K sensor with QuantumX MX1609KB
Number of exhaust gas particles particle counter AVL Particle Counter: APC 489
table 3.
Technical data of diesel and gasoline heaters [61].
table 3.
Technical data of diesel and gasoline heaters [61].
Technical data Air Cushion Evo 55
diesel engine gasoline
ECE approval number ECE R122 (heating system) E1 00 0386
ECE Approval NumberECE R10 (EMC) E1 05 5529
Heat output, control range/voltage boost [kW] 1.5–5.0/5.5 ** 1.7–5.0/5.5 **
Fuel consumption, control range/boost [l/h] 0.18–0.61/0.67 ** 0.25–0.70/0.80 **
Rated voltage [V] 12 twenty four
Rated power consumption, control range/boost [W] 15–95/130 **
Heating air flow relative to 0.5 mbar, control range/pressure rise (m3/H) 200/220**
fuel*** Diesel EN 590
B100 Honor EN 14214 [10]
Who are youEN 15940 [66]
E0-E10EN 228
range of working temperature [°C] −40 to +40
Dimensions length × width × height [mm] 423×148×162
weight [kg] 5.9
Automatic height compensation [m] 2200

Table 4.
The average of the normalized mass percentages of elements found in three test soot samples.

Table 4.
The average of the normalized mass percentages of elements found in three test soot samples.

C oxygen F zinc calcium magnesium chlorine nitrogen phosphorus S
E10 92.18 6.34 0.64 0.56 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
E30 88.54 9.20 1.18 0.70 0.11 0.10 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03

table 5.
Particle number related parameters.

table 5.
Particle number related parameters.

Investigate fuel E10 E30 E100 B7 EURO 5-6 emission limits [55]
1800 seconds fuel consumption [kg] 0.2546 0.2590 0.2690 0.2934
Particle emission during 1800 seconds [#/cycle] 9.56×108 4.83×108 1.65×108 3.92×1010
Number of particles per kilogram of fuel [#/kg × cycle] 3.76×109 1.87×109 6.14×108 1.34×1011 forced ignition compression ignition
particles per kilometer [#/km] 9.56×107 4.83×107 1.65×107 3.92×109 6×1011 6×1011

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