Seasons Interview with Score Studios’ James Kay – TouchArcade

Hello everyone. Somehow, today is interview week here at TouchArcade and I have a cool interview for you all here. Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons Coming to Nintendo Switch and Steam on February 27th, it brings together the beloved farming series and the popular puzzle series to create teamwork never imagined before. I mean, other than the people who made it, I did Did they come up with the idea? I was curious, and it turned out that James Kay, the founder and head of developer Score Studios, was willing to answer my questions. I thought I’d listen to some of his other stuff as well and present the results here for your entertainment and inspiration.

TouchArcade (TA): Thank you for taking the time today. Can you tell us a little about yourself? And let us know what your favorite pizza topping is?

James Kay (JK): Hi, I’m James. I’ve been playing games since the early 1980s and have now been working in game development in the UK and Japan for over 25 years. First as an artist and ultimately as a developer of everything. I founded Score Studios in 2009 and professionally it has been my sole focus ever since.

I’m a pizza relativist; any and all toppings are great. Except for pineapple, obviously. That’s not the mountain I plan to die on, though.

face: How ideas are brought story of seasons and Pizler A series of puzzle games coming together?

Jack: This is largely thanks to publisher Rainy Frog.We’re brainstorming about what would be a better crossover, more real blue sky thinking, and story of seasons It popped up – it felt like a perfect fit, so we decided to pursue it. I’m not sure I would have been able to do this without the support of Hyla behind me!

face: How did you go about merging? story of seasons Elements such as farming or building relationships cross pattern structure?

Jack: Well, this game is primarily a non-graphic game.this story of seasons Elements originally served primarily as inspiration for puzzles. However, Marvelous has been very generous in sharing the material with me and I really want to add as much as possible. So when you solve a puzzle about, say, a radish, the radish will appear in the background of your farm. Of course, only in the correct season, and you’ll also see the seasons change as each puzzle you solve advances time by 1 day. Animals appear, your farmers will start using tools etc. By the end of the game, your farm will be busy and bustling! Character-based puzzles will unlock their entries in the in-game annals, where you can learn more about them, their likes and dislikes, and what games they appear in.

face: There are a lot of non-graphic puzzle games on the Switch.beyond the known story of seasons Brand, what do you think makes this brand stand out?

Jack: I’m a little overboard with the customizability of the mind-bending experience. Some people play puzzles for the challenge, while others simply do it to relax. Some people want completed leads to be automatically marked, some don’t. In fact, you can choose to manually tag leads if you wish. You can use assistants, such as a hint system to show you where you can move, or ask the game to check for any mistakes you make. There is no wrong way to play.I want in addition to autofilling completed rows and counting blocks or measuring the amount of the grid by pressing a button Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons No matter how you like playing Feitu, you can have fun.

The puzzle itself certainly benefits from story of seasons characters and animals, so fans of the game will also be delighted.

face: Which story of seasons Which game is your favorite and why?

Jack: i invested too much time Friends of Mineral City. This feels like the most classic of the series and really appeals to me.In fact, I’m excited to be styling Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons Mainly after this post in the series!

I really want to play good life! But I’m kind of busy developing this game. I’m looking forward to trying it out when things calm down!

face: Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons Coming soon to Switch and Steam. Are there any specific challenges in developing one version or the other?

Jack: Using Unreal Engine really takes the pain out of multi-platform development. After developing for Switch first, creating the Steam version is very simple. It’s very important that it runs smoothly on Steamdeck, but I’m having some issues with it. Slightly different screen ratios and a few other minor issues had to be addressed (but they are, and they work great now!)

face: You’ve developed a lot of puzzle games over the years. What brings you back to the genre?

Jack: To be honest, I really like logic puzzle games. I like developing them because then I can play more of them. There are some really good logic puzzle games out there, but that’s not enough! I also like thinking about what to add to the genre, including quality of life features, customizability, and silly characters and stories.

face: Do you have any plans to bring it? Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons Will the future shift to mobile?

Jack: not one story of seasons Version, no, this is not planned. But I did recently find a great solution to the problem of non-pictures on mobile, i.e. puzzles larger than 10×10, when they start to get interesting, are difficult to read and control on a small screen.I’d love to try this new idea, so maybe I should make a standalone cross pattern It’s been a while for mobile devices as I haven’t come across a game that does this.

face: Apart from story of seasonsif the magic genie showed up and asked you to choose, are there any other works you would like to collaborate on?

Jack: Absolutely! story of seasons It’s already a dream come true, and there are a few other games that I like that I think would be perfect as Pizler cross. We (publisher Rainy Frog and myself) are actually pursuing a couple of them right now. It’s always a bit of a long shot, but wish us luck, please!

face: This is your free space to speak your mind to our readers. Is there any final message you want to convey?

Jack: Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons A true labor of love.I like story of seasons I’m so happy and honored to be working on this game. I really hope players enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.If there are any nonogram players who are not familiar with it story of seasons, hoping they’ll be inspired to check out these games for themselves.Again, hopefully there are some story of seasons Fans will get to know non-tu through my games and enjoy them as much as I do!

That’s it! I’d like to thank James Kay for his time and Derek from Hound PR for facilitating this interview. Piczle Cross: The Story of the Seasons It will be released on the Nintendo eShop and Steam on February 27th, which is really fast. I always enjoy playing more non-picture puzzles, and I’ll definitely be playing this one. And you?

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