Kids being bullied for not buying Fortnite, Roblox, Warzone skins

New data from Norway examines how The impact of video games on children, their social behavior and their consumption habits.It turns out that young gamers who were bullied for lack of cosmetic skins are using in-game items to become more popular and try to avoid all the problems Advertising and user-generated scams Connect to popular online games such as FIFA, fortnite, and war zone.

It is reported Cross-platform gaming——Game newsletter focusing on parents and children started by former founder my city Writer Patrick Klepek——Two studies by Norwegian researchers Includes some shocking information about how 10-15 year olds interact with video games and how these popular games have a significant impact on their social lives. The studies, conducted by researchers Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes and Clara Julia Reich of Oslo Metropolitan University, are part of a larger Norwegian government initiative to understand the relationship between children and play.

Reich said their findings suggest that how children perform in games may affect how other children treat them.

“If kids don’t spend money on character, they might be called poor. Kids who spend money on game characters can buy popularity by getting more attention and other advantages,” Stanis said.

That’s because today, kids’ digital lives and real lives are one and the same.Wear skin-appropriate clothing fortnite Research shows it’s just as important as dressing correctly in school. And kids who can’t afford the right gear or don’t play games have a hard time fitting in.

“There’s no clear distinction between their online and offline worlds. These are just different parts of the social world they live in, and appearance or skin is an important identity marker,” Stanis said.

Added Frank, a 13-year-old: “If you don’t play with anyone, you have nothing to talk about in school.”

“The kids love playing football FIFA and spend money on status-conferring in-game items, while others spend money on Nike, Balenciaga or Star Wars. They are influenced by memes and trends on platforms like TikTok,” Reich said.

talking Cross-platform gamingthe researchers further elaborated:

The pressure to fit in is similar to what is already happening in other settings, but takes on new forms. If some children lack the resources to play with friends (e.g. Wi-Fi, gaming equipment, in-game currency) or may be discriminated against because of their “skin,” they may end up feeling excluded.

Publishers and scammers are taking advantage of children

To make matters worse Video game publishers have become very adept at Keep promoting games and in-app purchases to kids. This means it’s increasingly difficult for kids to focus on other things in life, making the pressure to have the coolest skin even worse. For children who don’t fit in, they may be bullied or abused by their peers. Suitable for girlsthis abuse tends to be more severe, both in and out of the game.

“I heard things like ‘Go back to the kitchen,’ like ‘You’re a girl, go to hell, go to hell, go to hell’. “It was very vivid,” said Sidra, a 14-year-old girl who participated in the study (Sidra) said. The study also shows that skin and in-game cosmetics can also contribute to “digital body image” issues.

Another problem identified in the study was children reporting being lied to. Researchers believe this is because children lack “consumer competence” but are forced into situations with high-pressure sales tactics that make them feel they must move quickly or miss out. When someone promises them cheap money or an offer, children may not realize it’s a scam until it’s too late.

“This is problematic because children and young people are a vulnerable consumer group navigating a largely unregulated market on their own,” Reich said.

Overall, it’s enough to make me glad I don’t have kids and don’t have to help them navigate the modern world of free video games, which often have more in common with casinos than with other games you play for fun. As the internet becomes more and more a part of our lives and gaming becomes more popular on mobile devices, the situation is likely to only get worse.


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