A new event is about to kick off Pokémon Go Celebrating launch next week Pokemon Horizon: The Series in various countries and regions.
The event will also debut a new Pokémon in the game: Charcadet from Generation 9. Introduced in Pokémon Crimson and Violet, the Pokémon from the Pardia region is a Fire-type Pokémon that can evolve into two different forms. One is the fire/psychic type Amaruji, the other is the fire/ghost type Serulichi.
Pokémon Horizons: Series Celebration
To evolve Charcadet into these forms, you need to turn the Pokemon into your friend and battle other Pokemon. To evolve Charcadet into Amarouge, you need to defeat 30 Psychic-type Pokémon, while Cerulledge evolution requires you to defeat 30 Ghost-type Pokémon.
You can catch Charcadet in the wild, or by hatching from eggs at 2km, 5km, and 10km. After the event, the Pokémon will stay in the 10km egg.
During the event, you can catch Pikachu wearing a hat, and the Pokémon will know the move “Volt Attack.” Pokemon and human characters from the Pokemon Horizons series will also appear in the snap.
Event rewards include 2x XP for hatching Pokemon, PokeStop showcases will reopen, and Team Go Rocket balloons will appear more frequently.
If you want to hatch a bunch of eggs, the expensive incubator can hatch not only Shakard, but also the Pokémon from 2km, 5km, and 10km eggs that are common this season.
In the wild, you can expect the following Pokémon to appear more frequently: Fuecoco, Nosepass*, Pawmi, Quaxly, Scyther*, and Sprigatito. You may also encounter Alola Grimmer*, Beldum*, and Pikachu* wearing a captain’s hat. Pokémon with stars can also appear shiny.
One-star raids will include hat-wearing Pikachu*, Rhino*, and Rockluff*, while Chancey*, Night Owl, and Giant Gold will appear in three-star raids. As of press time, there is no information on the Pokémon in the five-star raids.
Finally, event-themed field research mission encounters include Fuecoco, Golduck, Pikachu* wearing Cap’s hat*, Quaxly, Rockruff*, Skarmory*, and Sprigatito.
The Pokémon Horizons: Series Celebration Event will take place from March 5th to 11th.
If you live in the United States, the Pokémon Horizons series will be available to stream on Netflix starting March 7. For fans in the UK, the series will be available to stream on BBC iPlayer. Users living in other regions should check with their local provider for availability information.