Why do we work on leap days? February 29th is supposed to be a national holiday.

Tomorrow is February 29th. February. the twenty-ninth. Sorry, but that sounds fake. This is a fake date. This is not true. To me, this date is disrespectful to existing ones. Oh, and does it balance the year to keep the calendar on track? Sounds fishy.

But, seriously…why do we have to work on Leap Day (also known as February 29th)?

Is this a day that comes once every four years that we have to work at? So…is this a bonus day?

In short: yes. There will be 262 working days this year, compared to the usual 261 or 260, depending on weekend arrangements. If you are a salaried employee (i.e. not hourly), you do not receive an extra day’s pay.

This Thursday is Free Labor Day.

For three years, we have all been immersed in the normalcy of February 28, and then Bang, The twenty-nine just appeared and existed out of thin air. This is a bonus day, so it should be treated like a holiday. Instead of adding another day of work, take a day off. According to Forum for the Future, more than 40% of office workers report feeling burned out. Are we just going to make it worse by adding a bonus day? Not cool.

Of course, the modern capitalist world is allergic to having good things for the sake of good things. So I know turning Leap Day into a holiday is never going to happen. But I’m not the only one with this idea.

Imagine how the atmosphere would change if February 29 went from a bonus day to a bonus holiday. Every four years we get a little treat. What’s better than a little surprise day off? This will be the adult version of a snow day.

Think of the poor leap day babies.this New York Times Wrote a whole article about these “jumpers” wanting more respect. These people have a hard time explaining to people that they were born on a day that usually doesn’t exist.they want to celebrate a real Birthdays only come once every four years. They should at least get off work to celebrate their birthday! Make it a national holiday on their behalf.

Think about how this holiday will promote scientific ideas. Once every four years, kids wonder why they get a random day off in February. This holiday will inspire children to understand how the Earth orbits the Sun in approximately 366.24 days, creating the need for leap years. Develop scientific awareness when we need it most, you cowards!

If we have to have a February 29th — and science says we do — then why should we treat it like any other Thursday? very special! This is a holiday invented to keep our calendar consistent with time and space! This is a date that only exists in certain years! Let’s celebrate instead of pretending everything is mundane.

See also:

Why do we have leap years? Here’s the science behind this weird extra day.

It’s too late for 2024, but let me be the first to demand that we get things done on February 29, 2028. This will be Tuesday. We shouldn’t work.

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