Final Fantasy VII Reborn, the latest role-playing game from Square Enix, is a huge game. As with any large-scale adventure, there are dozens of subsystems, features, and layers to navigate. If you’ve played the first game in the new trilogy, Final Fantasy VII Remakeyou have a good grasp of the basics of modern FF7.But whether you come rebirth As you begin your journey, whether as a complete newbie or a die-hard fan, keep these helpful tips in mind.
1: The open world stuff didn’t start until Chadli appeared.
When you first leave Kalm and step into the vast open world rebirth, you might be tempted to run away and start exploring. By all means, give in to the urge, but know that many of the activities won’t unlock properly until you meet Chadley at Bill’s Chocobo Ranch. Follow the scripted story until you have an argument with your first bird companion, and you meet the very chatty (and very needy) robot. He’ll ask you to activate a tower, and your map will start filling up with icons marking locations of interest.
read more: PS:A Final Fantasy VII The spin-offs you haven’t played are important rebirth
If you explore before talking to Chadley, you won’t be able to activate any towers, scan for the Fountain of Life, etc.
2: Collaborative skills and abilities are crucial
if you just came remakeyou might want to default to Combat system You already know that from the first game. While the fundamentals of the combat system are essentially the same, the synergistic skills and abilities are worth getting used to early on. The skill is activated by holding R1 and selecting the face button. Synergy abilities are special combo moves that become available once you’ve used up enough ATB charges.We detail the collaborative capabilities our growth rebirth Battle Guide.
3: Press L1 while traveling to check character affinity

Want to know how much a character likes you? You may have seen the little smiley faces on their heads during scripted sequences, but it’s less obvious when you’re out exploring. By holding down L1, you can see the current affinity of any character with Cloud.
4: Side tasks significantly affect affinity
Want to increase your affinity with a specific character? Completing side quests is one of the best ways to do this. When you take on a side quest, you’ll notice that one of the party members may have a current role in the story. If you complete this quest, you will increase your affinity with that character.

If you’re not sure which character’s relationship a given quest will improve, tap the touchpad to bring up the map, then press the L2 key to switch to the quest area. Here you’ll see every mission in the area, with a character’s face on the mission title.
5: Use menu buttons for quick map navigation
Someone spent about 100 hours pulling back the right analog stick to zoom rebirthThere are many map layers. : All you have to do is press the Menu/Pause button (the button to the right of the touchpad on the DualSense) and you’ll automatically zoom out one level at a time.
Speaking of maps…
6: The map menu is really important
You should get used to using your touchpad to bring up maps early and often. rebirth. While the menu button to the right of the touchpad is crucial for managing your inventory and character growth, the map itself is your command center for learning about missions, intelligence objectives, and more. The map menu is divided into main tabs and sub-tabs. Use L2/R2 to navigate the main tab and L1/R1 to navigate the subtabs.
First, you should get into the habit of placing markers with R3, as the minimap can often get a bit cluttered. Don’t worry, it will disappear when you reach the location, so you don’t have to go back to turn off the pinned location.

Stories and missions break down the main narrative material in outline form so you can quickly understand what’s going on. The same goes for many of the game’s side quests. With the help of Intel and Chadley, you’ll find useful information to track various ancillary activities in the game. In fact, under Chadley > Region Intel you can read the unlockable lore for each region. For example, did you know that most of the world’s goods are transported by sea and air? Or that the Junun people have a unique and special relationship with the sea?If you are eager to know more FF7of the world, regional Intel is part of it.
7: You can restart almost all mini-games at any time
rebirth There are tons of mini-games for you to play. Most of them will let you pause and try again (or at least quit so you can try again).Some mini-games may not go as you expect at first, e.g. Queen’s Blood Card Game. Forget the hassle of poor scores or failure screens, just repeat the mini-game if you get stuck.
8: Feel free to mix open world activities with some exceptions
While I recommend starting with side quests and letting them guide you through the world (many side quests involve other side objectives, so you’re often killing two birds with one stone by picking up quests), feel free to embrace the open-world activities at your leisure… but There is one notable exception: Demon Intel.
Demonic Intelligence sees you fighting unique monsters while your other robot companion, Mai… laboriously talks about the whole thing. These missions typically require you to pressure, stagger, and then defeat the creatures within a given time limit (the game will mix these objectives up from time to time depending on the enemy). The problem with leaving these activities for later is that you may become too powerful and unable to properly send enemies into staggered states. You’ll then need to equip lower level weapons to complete these challenges, but even then you’ll likely have to repeat these battles to meet all the conditions. Although Mai is a bit overbearing, Demonic Intel is a good practice for learning the combat system and should be used as such.
9: Record the items you want to make
In the Project Converter menu, you can press the square on any item to pin it to your to-do list. Not only will this move the item to the front page of the Transmuter menu system, but you’ll see a purple indicator on the HUD letting you know when enough materials have been gathered for the item.
10: Always evaluate
Using the Assessment Materials in combat (requires 1 ATB charge in combat and can be found under Abilities) is crucial to understanding your enemy’s strengths and weaknesses. You should use this at the beginning of every battle with a new enemy to learn how to pressure, stagger, and exploit their weaknesses uniquely.
11: The touchpad is your best friend in combat
Once you’ve assessed an enemy, you can use the touchpad to bring up their information at any time. Additionally, when viewing synergy skills with the R1, you can tap the touchpad to bring up a menu explaining each move.
12: You can use X + L1/R1 to instantly exchange team members
You can configure up to three party makeup looks from the main menu. In the main menu, go to the battle settings and click on the square to edit the team. Here you can switch between three different party presets. Once on the battlefield, you can simply press X and then L1 or R1 to switch teams without switching menus.
13: Rotate characters based on weapon skills
Suffering from choice paralysis because you don’t know who should be on your team? Here’s a question to ask: Who has weapons skills to learn? In the main menu, select Materials and Equipment and you will see a meter under each character. Some will be partially filled, while others will be filled with yellow check marks. This bar represents weapon skills.
Whenever you get a new weapon for your character, they just need to use it enough times in combat to learn the new weapon skill. A good way to decide who should get combat time in the game is to see who has weapon skills to learn. Anyone who needs to learn a new skill should actively fight.
14: Feel free to experiment with materials
Certain characters clearly benefit from certain roles. For example, Aerith is the best at magic in the game, so it makes sense to give her a lot of offensive and defensive spells. But since you can plug in any material for any character, you can create some dynamic builds that offer the perfect blend of strategy and creativity.

You can view each character’s materials in the “Materials and Equipment” section. However, if you tap the touchpad in this menu, you can go to an overview screen that shows all the materials each person is equipped with, easily swap them between characters or clear the board completely to start over.
15: Auto-save is a bit too little
If the only games you plan to play on PS5 are rebirth, you may be able to simply pause the console and return to where you left off.but rebirth‘s autosave won’t start as often as you’d like. While I never lost a ton of time, there were a few times where I lost a few hours of progress by switching to another game before making a hard save.As with any RPG, you should save regularly rebirthespecially when you want to play a different game or turn off the console.
16: Read the game manual
Confused about a certain game mechanic? Navigate to the manual in the main menu to read about everything from world travel to the combat system. While you won’t find every possible tip and trick in the game (hey, that’s what we’re here for), there’s a ton of useful information here.
This covers our initial tips for getting started Final Fantasy VII Reborn. What features of the new game surprise you? Do you have any advice for new players?