Salt Lake City – For most people, a large part of daily life depends on reliable internet. So when a Salt Lake City woman’s internet connection went down and she couldn’t get a straight answer as to when it would be restored, she decided to go to Gephardt.
“It didn’t even pull anything up,” Sally Nelsonberg said of her home internet connection. “Just keep saying, ‘Look for the network.'”
Nielsen-Berg’s internet has been down for more than a week. She called her internet service provider, Google Fiber, initially promising, and received an automated message telling her: “We already have a team working in the area.”
But every time she called, she got the same message. To add to her frustration, the promised date for reconnection kept getting pushed back.
Nelson-Berg said this affects her and her tenants’ ability to work.
“Every time I called customer service, there was no update on what was going on or any actual work that was happening,” she said. “It was very disorienting for us.”

Nielsen-Berg pointed to the Google Fiber router outside her home. (KSL TV station)
Unable to get clear answers (if any) from Google Fiber, she decided it was time to contact KSL investigators.
KSL Investigator Matt Gephardt contacted Google Fiber on behalf of Neilson-Berg and was contacted by someone at their corporate office.
A spokesman wrote back: “Customers deserve access to an internet service they don’t have to think about, so we take any disruption very seriously.”
About an hour later, Nelson-Berg said, real-life people from Google Fiber showed up, investigated, and determined it was the easiest solution ever. After getting some work done nearby, her router needed to be reset.
They unplugged and plugged it back in, and Nelsonberg’s home internet came back online.
She said she was “blown away” by the simplicity of the fix and wondered why Google didn’t tell her about it during her multiple calls.
“It could have been such a quick decision!” Nelson-Berg said.