Improved Tomb Raider Trilogy Remastered Removed from Epic Store

according to tomb Raider Fans, the best release of late Tomb Raider I-III Remastered version The collection is not on Steam or Xbox. Instead, it’s on the Epic Games Store. Or, well, until today, the studio behind the remake has patched it so that it no longer exists, much to the dismay of some players.

Two weeks ago, new tomb Raider remade collect-Contains beautiful versions of the original three games— Launching on consoles and PC. It’s not a perfect release, with some bugs and other issues, but overall, fans are happy with it. But strangely, some of the issues fans have encountered – including overly dark levels, missing textures, and broken photo mode poses – aren’t present in the Epic Games Store version. Tomb Raider I-III. This has led to some confusion as to why this is happening and when other versions of the series will be improved to match the Epic Store version. However, Aspyr Studio, the studio responsible for remastering the pack, eventually responded to fan complaints and claimed that Epic’s version was the wrong one, calling it “incomplete.”

While many fans have already noticed the differences between the Epic version and other versions tomb Raider Throughout the trilogy, one Twitter user—Small Medipack—became the de facto reporter of the situation. They began tweeting about the situation on February 26, Create a long and detailed thread Show all the various differences people find. There is still much to document.

Some changes are so minor, like slightly different textures, that you might only notice when comparing the versions directly side-by-side. Changes in other areas are also dramatic.Some areas of the game look much better due to The hole in the roof is bigger Let more light in.Other levels include Bigger, more impressive skybox Not hidden behind drab ceilings.Another difference is that it contains More photo mode poses Some games, including Lara Croft’s seated games, run better on the Epic Store version compared to Steam or consoles. Some other subtle changes include different, better looking vegetation in several desert area, animated textures content missing from other versions, certain items easier to discover, and Improved water visuals in certain areas. That’s not all! So yes, the Epic version looks much better.

But it should be noted that Epic Store version of achievements broken.So it’s not perfect, but fans are more than happy to put up with this issue in order to get a better looking tomb Raider Trilogy.

tomb Raider The best version of the trilogy is now gone

Of course, many fans want Aspyr to give answers about the situation, as well as a timeline for when other versions of the remaster will receive similar upgrades. And February 29ththey got an answer, but it wasn’t what they were hoping for at all.

Here’s what the developers had to say about the differences on Steam earlier today:

About the creation of the Epic Games Store and related stories…

A development version with incomplete resources is available for download on the Epic Games Store.

Content in the Epic Games Store version contains some work-in-progress material and does not represent our final quality expectations. We’ve corrected the build to match the live Steam version.

The Epic Store version of this game is available since has already been updated All the changes and differences that fans documented and praised are now gone.This version now matches other ports, at least according to fans tomb Raider Remastered collection.

“Oh crap, it’s like the Steam version now,” Posted a small medical kit on Twitter After updating the Epic Store port.

It’s not all bad news, Aspyr also says on Steam that it is currently in development Tomb Raider I-III’This is their first update and they plan to release it “in the coming weeks.”

“We appreciate your patience as we want to ensure quality meets the needs and expectations of our community,” Aspyr said.

Now fans are waiting to see if some of the graphical and gameplay fixes were discovered in the so-called “incomplete” new build tomb Raider The trilogy will be included in an upcoming patch. If not, I expect more confusion and frustration.


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