Final Fantasy VII Reborn finally reached. The second installment of Square Enix’s attempt to remake one of the most famous video games of all time is Here for PlayStation 5.This massive RPG offers close to, if not more than, 100 game time. Now you might be asking yourself: Should I run to the end and clean up the excess later? Or do I do every possible side quest and random activity to avoid missing out?
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how do you play rebirth A lot is up to you, either enjoy the main story from start to finish with relatively little diversion, or spend over 50 hours doing the best you can.This guide will walk you through the considerations of some people who spent over 100 hours rebirth And a lifelong lover Final Fantasy VII. So read on for some advice on how best to manage this big game.
rebirth There is a clear point of no return
Throughout the game’s first 12 chapters, you have varying degrees of freedom to traverse the world at your leisure (certain scripted sequences sometimes lock you out of the open world). However, Chapters 13 and 14 are sprints and you won’t be able to turn back until you complete the game.
read more: How to get FF7 rebornBonus material from A remake save archive
I won’t spoil what that point of no return is, but know that you get a clear clue (and the rhythm of the narrative also makes it clear that you’re entering the climax) that it says “Land here”? There is no way to return after landing. “
how much do you want to know what happened rebirth?
Oh I see.when remake In 2020, its metatextual narrative has completely changed everything, and many of us are dying to know the answers to countless questions: What will happen to Alice? What are these whispers about? real?How will the open world rebirth yes?will Cloud actually raided Tifa’s closet And…well, I’m sure we’ve all had those moments FF7 We are eager to see 2024 become a reality.

There’s another factor to consider: How long are you willing to put up with spoilers on the Internet? rebirth Some of the most crucial moments from the original story are covered, and the longer it’s out in the wild, the more likely you are to stumble across spoilers on any number of websites.
read more: PS:A Final Fantasy VII The spin-offs you haven’t played are important rebirth
There’s a lot of joy in just hanging out rebirth, immerse yourself in beautiful recreations of some of the game’s most iconic scenes. But if you’re here for the main show, you’d better skim the story first and then clear everything out.
Notice rebirthThe campaign sequences are very linear and sometimes very long. Games will often warn you before entering a lengthy scripted scene, but you don’t want to end up facing a boss you don’t have the equipment for. That’s why sometimes going back and honing in can be a valuable strategy to keep the game moving forward. Strict preservation must be done before the story reaches important moments.
“New Game Plus” rebirth very friendly
Once you click on the credits screen rebirth, you’ll be able to select any individual chapter from the game and replay it, and you’ll have the option to complete side missions based on where you left off, or reset all side missions and start from scratch.But that’s not all you get rebirthThe activity is over.
rebirth Perhaps a more open-world game than many expected. When you complete the main story, you’ll gain access to a “Game Log,” which will detail how many open-world activities there are left to complete, as well as a percentage table of your affinity with each team member. You can also automatically pick up crafting resources, saving you the trouble of constantly tapping triangles to pick them up.
After the main storyline ends, rebirth Become an open world RPG that is easier to navigate and manage. In some ways, this is a good argument for skipping everything and just focusing on the main story: you’ll have an easier time doing everything else later.
If you skipped most of the side content, be sure to load up Chapter 12 after completing the story, and play at least until you see Dio again in the Gold Saucer Arena, or before heading to the Temple of the Ancients (the game’s point of no return). From there, you can fast travel to almost anywhere in the world by simply clicking on the map icon, and you’ll quickly learn what you need to accomplish (not to mention having good gear and levels for challenging battles).
rebirth The side quests are tedious on their own, but add up to a great experience
Nearly every side quest is tied to a character in your party: Aerith, Barret, Tifa, or Red XIII. This character will provide direct and environmental dialogue for side missions. While the core thematic material of these missions isn’t entirely compelling, the time spent with the other characters does feel meaningful.

For many of us, there is a cast of characters FF7 The fans feel like real people, even the most boring activities feel fun, and you learn some fun facts about them. So consider doing at least some of these. Additionally, they can affect which character you spend special moments with later in the game.
However, try not to skip the original missions – especially those in Cosmic Canyon
If you want to skip side content, especially open world content, try not to miss Protorelic missions. These four-part missions follow Cloud and the team in pursuit of mysterious artifacts, and each mission ends with a strange and humorous sight.
While the actual content of what you’re doing (usually just fighting or playing a mini-game or two) isn’t exciting, there are some very fun and cute moments in these missions. In particular, the exploration of the original ruins of Cosmic Canyon, which was such a touching tribute to some of the characters in Cosmic Canyon, brought me to tears. remake— which resonates strongly with Barret’s original Cosmic Canyon campfire speech in the 1997 version. Please don’t miss this!
rebirthDate night with friends is an important consideration
If you are determined to work hard for the ending rebirth, there is one major factor you may want to consider. In Chapter 12, you will go on a date with one of the team members in the game. The game will decide which character will join you based on your affinity with each character.
Whether you’ve completed the main game or not, you can check your character’s affinity at any time by holding down L1. This pulls up a smiley icon over each character’s head with a meter that’s too small to read. The face icon changes from gray to purple, and from green to blue, indicating that you have reached the highest level for any particular character.
You can increase your affinity in two ways: side quests and collaborative skills. Each side mission features one party member as a secondary character, fully invested in whatever Cloud is asked to do. Completing these side quests will increase your affinity with that character.Also, when you Activate synergy skills during combatyou will change and deepen your relationship with the character.
If you’re not sure who you’ll end up dating, make a hard save before chatting with the staff at the Gold Saucer Hotel to see who you’ll meet in the following cutscene.
rebirth is a very linear game, but who you date may play a big role in how you interpret the story and who you think makes the most sense to Cloud. If you’re not into the open world stuff, finding the right people to date is one of the few main reasons to look into side hustle content.
You can only play rebirth first time once
Although calling rebirthThe ultimate revelation can be overwhelming, but so can the experience of simply traveling around the world, taking in the sights and sounds, and engaging in fun strategic battles. Just like in the original game, rebirthThe presentation of its wider world is one to enjoy and immerse in.

So, even if you long to travel to the Ancient Temple and the Forgotten City (FF7 rebornof final area), consider sticking around for a while to see what the rest of the game has to offer. The open world hustle can be a bit overwhelming at times, but if you keep up the pace throughout, the world will feel fresher and less repetitive. All these extra activities just mean more time spent with this incredible cast of characters, a mouth-watering soundtrack, and a faithful visual retelling of one of the world’s greatest games.
rebirth It is an epic role-playing game worth savoring. Whether you’re saving all the extra extras for later or checking everything off your list before jumping to conclusions if you are FF7 Fans, no matter what, it’s going to be a great time.