Eager to find out which gun is best in Hellraiser 2? Stop being a nerd and “use what you like best”

What’s the best gun in STALKER 2? Good news, you can stop frantically testing every hand cannon the game has to offer, because Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt has revealed that all your efforts are actually pointless.

Yes, no matter how eager you are to maximize your firepower the next time you’re thrown into a battle as dangerous as the Battle of Maliflon Creek and Mote earlier this week, don’t start comparing numbers with your buddies. I repeat, don’t fling open a giant spreadsheet and start entering things like damage values ​​in a way that your math teacher might be proud of, soldier!

Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt responded to a group of Helldivers 2 players on Reddit and Discord on Twitter, revealing that the best gun in the game is actually “your favorite one.”

Why? Well, basically because there’s more to what makes a weapon in Helldivers 2 truly effective than the three or four stats that are actually shown in the game. Yes, video games may not tell you the whole truth and may be secretly hiding things from you, the player. You should definitely write to your local politicians about this.

“about [Helldivers 2’s] Weapon stats,” Pilestedt explained, “A lot of people use the four stats we show as a comparison, out of a total of maybe 50 stats per gun.These numbers are for reference only, but [do] It is impossible to paint a complete picture. ” That’s right, just like the Code Principles in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, they are just guidelines!

So no more digging into the official Discord to tap a developer or community manager on the shoulder and shamelessly ask what the meta is or what the next balance patch will do for your favorite rifle. No more Reddit posts claiming that your currently equipped shotgun is actually the best choice for tough missions, you swear, seriously, stop underestimating it, guys, you’re missing out.

Just use a boom stick that you think is cool. Play purely based on regular shots of atmosphere and democratic role-playing injected directly into your frontal lobes.

Ditch the statistics and embrace the fun.

Also, if you purchase Hellraiser 2 via Steam for the first time today, be sure to check whether the game you purchased is indeed Hellraiser 2.

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