My toxic trait is that I’m a huge fool Final Fantasy VIIof Full of foul words, continuous smoking, dragoon pilot West Germany. My love for the man spans decades, from when he was a bunch of blobs stacked on top of each other in the original PlayStation game to when he was a voiceless shopkeeper in the first generation. kingdom hearts.Therefore, I would like to see him final fantasy 7 reborn, even if he doesn’t get promoted to a playable party member this time around. After going back and reacquainting myself with the original game, I’m very pleased with how Square Enix has handled the character nearly 30 years later.
The original work contains spoilers final fantasy 7 Concerned, but no big deal rebirth.
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In most ways, Cid is still the same guy fans know and love FF7 exist rebirth. He was the pilot of the Tiny Bronco, and despite being allegedly only 32 years old, he acted like a father figure in the room and was generally grumpy with everyone. But he’s also shown to be very kind, which may not be common in the original of his earliest scenes rebirth make him realize he knows Alice’s Deeply saddened to hear of the death of mother Ifalna since last seen several years ago. This prompted him to offer his services as a pilot for free, all because he wanted to help the daughter of someone he once cared about.

The original Cid is often defined as rude, anxious, and mean (yes, there are nuances, we’re getting there), rebirth Cid’s feel is less extreme and more of a more understated, confident but still caring bravado. His down-to-earth pragmatism feels palpable in the face of some real weirdos. FF7Cid was easily angered in the original game, but this side of him was always meant to mask the protective and supportive nature within him.
Some long-time fans might think this “changed” him, but I think it brought out the best in Cid all along. He’s still a whiner, but not indistinguishably. I hope this allows Square Enix to better build future storylines, especially one involving his future wife Sheela.While I was happy to see Cid again, some friends who had played final fantasy 7 Was surprised to hear this recently as he is well known in the community.I haven’t seen Cid and Shera interact in years, but I went back and watched the scenes between the two in the original novel final fantasy 7and was surprised at how uncomfortable it was to see the dynamic between the two.
final fantasy Make Cid a better person
When the cast first met Shera, they mistakenly assumed she was Cid’s wife, possibly because the way he talked to her was a textbook abusive husband, like a ’90s sitcom couple. He scolds her for not making tea for the guests, asks her if she is blind, and then goes off to do other things while she looks after Claude and keeps him company. When they told her not to worry about them, she immediately placed the blame on herself and said that was just how it was in West Germany. She explains that he sabotaged his own rocket launch to make sure she didn’t die in the explosion, and now she feels responsible for ruining his dream. That’s why she puts up with the way he treats her and says she’ll “survive” [her] Live for Him. “

Watching a man talk down to a woman while she was doing housework wasn’t a good thing in 1997, and it’s even worse in retrospect. This was supposed to be a revealing moment, showing that he was secretly a caring, kind man, even though he was rude to a lot of people he met.But in the years since final fantasy 7, we have collectively lost patience with abuse. Even if Syd resents Sheila for ruining his dreams, this could have been conveyed in a healthier way. Tough relationships, especially those between people who are supposed to care about each other, don’t have to be mean and hurtful. They may just be clumsy and clumsy, but they will eventually recover.
My hope is, because Cid seems to have a milder temper. rebirthThirty years later, his relationship with Shera can be explored in a less overtly misogynistic and abusive way.soften his hostility rebirth In favor of making him a stern and passionate pilot whose shouts and shouts are deeply rooted in everyone’s hearts, which makes his image more likable and modern.and consider how rebirth‘s story fits into his larger arc, and I’m curious to see how Square handles it.

final fantasy 7 reborn It was a pretty fun match despite some heavy uses most Spending more time with the actors Let them hang out, soak up the atmosphere, and play some games silly little game. Recreating the Cid of 1997 was the complete opposite of his vision. final fantasy 7 universe rebirth Working hard to create.this remake The series has the best versions of these characters to date, and taking away some of the sharp edges to get to Cid’s heart of gold is a way to modernize the characters. He’s another example of one of these games recognizing that a remake doesn’t have to be an uncritical imitation of something from decades ago.
The Bee Inn was once a brothel and a stage for gay panic; remake re-equip it Become a Queer-Inclusive Person nightclub. Sid is still a petty old man, but doesn’t have to be disturbingly cruel to the people he cares about. If Square Enix retains him for the next game and is able to better structure his relationship with Sheela, he’ll be another bullet point on the list of things the team is doing right this time around.
But bring back his cigarettes, Square Enix. That guy smells like an ashtray, I know.