Tory MP Philson’s internet sex bill to be debated

Peace River-Westlock CPC MP Arnold Viersen’s private member’s bill, the Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Bill, will go to second reading and debate

Barrhead-WESTLOCK- Peace River-Westlock Canadian Conservative MP Arnold Viersen hopes to pass his private member’s bill Bill C-270 a second time, Stop Internet Sexual Exploitation Act (SISE), in the House of Commons.

Filson introduced the bill in May 2022.

This is his second attempt to pass the legislation. In May 2021, Filson introduced the same version of SISI (Bill C-302), but it died on paper due to the federal election.

The bill, if passed, would require those who produce or distribute pornographic material for commercial purposes to verify everyone’s age and consent and keep records. It will also prevent the distribution of pornographic material after consent has been withdrawn.

“It is already illegal to upload and use images of minors without consent, but in both cases the police will have to prove these. When it is a very young child this is relatively easy to prove, but for older For children and teenagers, sometimes it’s hard to prove,” Filson said. “This legislation will reverse the onus on police to prove their records to companies.”

He equated it to legislation requiring pawnshops to keep records of transactions.

Those who violate the bill will face a range of escalating financial penalties and potential jail time, similar to mandatory child pornography reporting laws, with indictable offenses punishable by up to two years in prison and/or a $500,000 fine.

Indictable offenses are the most serious offenses under the Criminal Code and carry harsher penalties.

Filson expects SISE to go to the House of Commons for second reading and debate on March 13 or 22.

“It’s a moving target,” Filson said, adding that it’s possible lawmakers could swap positions.

If Bill C-270 passes second reading, it will be referred to committee for further review. After passing the committee, if it proceeds, the bill will enter report stage, allowing MPs to make motions to amend the text of the bill.

The bill will then return to the House of Commons for third reading and, if passed, move to the Senate for consideration, a process similar to that in the House of Commons. If successful there, only then will it receive Royal Assent and become law.

Filson, however, has no illusions. He knew the chances of the bill passing all stages were slim.

during an interview barhead leader In May 2022, Filson said he hoped SISE would not need to be introduced again. He wants the government to include the measures as part of its proposed blueprint to combat harmful content posted on online platforms, which was first proposed ahead of the 2021 election.

The Liberals finally tabled Bill C-63, The “Internet Harm Law” was promulgated, In the House of Commons on February 26.

Bill C-63 seeks to force social media, user-uploaded adult content and live-streaming services to reduce exposure to online content deemed harmful, enhance reporting of child pornography to better address hate propaganda, and provide support for online Providing recourse for victims of hate.

The bill, if passed, would amend the Criminal Code to create a new stand-alone hate crime offense with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment to curb hateful conduct and increase the maximum penalty for hate propaganda offenses from five years to life imprisonment. Advocates genocide.

It would also create a new body, the Digital Security Council, to enforce the bill, and create a separate digital security ombudsman.

Barry Kerton,

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