EZOfficeInventory complies with privacy laws

EZO complies with multiple privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Read further to learn what this means and how we can help you comply with GDPR and other privacy laws when using EZOfficeInventory.

Our Privacy Policy explains how we process personal data where EZO acts as the data controller. You can view the most recent version of our privacy policy here.

What is personal data?

Information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, email address, photo, and online identifiers such as IP address.

As our customer, do privacy laws (such as GDPR) apply to you?

Privacy laws (such as the GDPR) may apply where: (i) you are located in a country where data privacy laws exist, i.e. the EU and the UK; (ii) if you process information from a country where data privacy laws exist (i.e. the EU or UK) Personal data of citizens or residents.

Understand your roles under GDPR

  • Data controller: Determine the purposes and means of processing personal data.
  • Data processor: Process personal data on behalf of another entity.
  • Data subject: The individual whose data is processed.

To help you as a data controller comply with data subject requests

When you process other people’s personal data, EZOfficeInventory allows you to control and manage how their personal data is processed. EZOfficeInventory is designed to ensure that you are able to act on data subject requests yourself. The account owner and administrators authorized by the account owner can do the following:

  • View, update, delete, correct or delete Profile information, including profile information of authorized members in EZOfficeInventory.
  • export data, including personal data related to members or vendors created in EZOfficeInventory. We allow this information to be extracted in a human-readable format. To do this, you can generate reports or extract CSV via the Members and Access modules. To learn more, see our blog on generating custom reports in EZOfficeInventory.
  • Obtain the consent of various users whom you authorize to use EZOfficeInventory, for example by sending an email confirmation alert to the user’s email address whenever a new member or supplier is created in EZOfficeInventory. This can be customized based on your intended setup. To learn more, see our blog on alert types in EZOfficeInventory.
  • When you take any of the above actions, any data (including personal data) stored in our backups will be automatically deleted or updated during the next biannual backup deletion cycle.

Use our compliance tool to identify the data protection officer in your organization

EZOfficeInventory allows you to maintain a record of your Data Protection Officer in the Compliance Tools section. To provide visibility to members using EZOfficeInventory, you can also add the Data Protection Officer role in the Members and Access section.

important tips: To enable the Data Protection Officer to act on data protection requests, assign him or her at least the Administrator role.

Data hosting location

Your data is typically hosted in our AWS US data centers. However, EZO may also host your data in select data centers located in the EU, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Sweden, and many other countries. When you select a data hosting location, all backup data, in addition to live data, is stored in the jurisdiction of your choice. To learn more about your specific data hosting options, please contact us at support@ezo.io.

Do we sell personal data?

EZO does not sell personal data, and we have not done so in the past 12 months.

Our security measures?

EZO is SOC II, Type 2 and ISO 27001 certified. To request a certified copy from us, please email support@ezo.io. For more information about our security measures, please see our security page.

Customers can request to sign our standard data processing agreement

If privacy laws apply to you as our customer, to ensure compliance you can request to sign our standard data processing agreement at legal@ezo.io.

About EZOfficeInventory

EZOfficeInventory is the leading asset management software. It allows you to track, maintain and report on equipment anytime and anywhere. We offer a 15-day free trial – no credit card required!

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