Samsung and Motorola want us to wear smartphones. We really shouldn’t.

Sunday run

Android Central mascot Lloyd is breakdancing

(Image source: Android Central)

In this weekly column, Android Central fitness editor Michael Hicks talks about the world of wearables, apps, and fitness tech related to running and fitness in the pursuit of being faster and healthier.

Samsung, Motorola and other smartphone makers are racing to be the first to introduce bendable or rollable phones. Both brands showed off their wearable smartphone demos at MWC 2024, to the delight of gullible tech journalists excited to show off something new. Now, I’m here as an MWC official to make it clear: there’s no way Motorola’s adaptive display-shaped smartphone will replace the smartwatch.

If this article becomes as popular or ubiquitous as foldable phones, I’m fully prepared.But I see every major tech site’s Best of MWC 2024 list (including our own) praising the novelty of Motorola’s Adaptive Display concept, but I’m just not buying it, figuratively speaking or Literally.

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