Seven years ago, Nintendo’s risky gamble paid off handsomely

Seven years ago, Nintendo took its biggest bet yet, releasing nintendo switch, a forward-thinking, bold home console that dared to be a handheld device first. It’s hard to argue with the outcome of this bet, especially considering how the Switch has gone on to receive popular installments in numerous flagship series and become one of the best-selling consoles of all time. 139 million units Sell.

Since 2017, it has achieved two breakthroughs The Legend of Zelda game, a port Mario Kart 8 sold More than 60 million copies It has consistently topped the sales charts for many years, with a large number of mainline works (including some remakes). Pokemon seriesthis Super Smash Bros. The end of all crossover titles, as well as mainstream success Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If it wasn’t already a console legend, it was the system that forced Nintendo to acknowledge it. metroid vanguardShape hole in its directory and give us a sausage Metroid Fear.

It’s remarkable when you think back to how skeptical everyone was about the Switch in the first place, and how wrong many of us were about its chances of success. I remember being one of the lucky few who got a pre-order, only to give it to a friend because I didn’t “get” the premise. There’s no way a console I could play on the go would provide a satisfying experience on a TV. I came out at the height of the GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS craze. While I still love the lunchtime Pictochat era, even those popular systems eventually lost their luster. I’ve been playing PSP longer than anyone I know, but I’m the only one in my circle who owns a Vita. The status of handheld devices has gone from a blessing to a curse in just a few years, and after the colossal failure of the Wii U, the Switch feels like the nail in Nintendo’s coffin, especially with all the hype surrounding mobile gaming.

Nintendo Switch Hardware Overview

With the advent of handheld devices, the role of mobile phones in the gaming world has skyrocketed. In markets like Asia, mobile gaming has become one of the most popular national pastimes, and until recently, it seemed like all the money in the world was being poured into mobile games and gashapon games. fortnite on iOS It actually came out about two months before the Switch port.As recently as 2019, outgoing PlayStation head Jim Ryan effectively said game informant Handheld devices are dead: “The PlayStation Vita is great in a lot of ways, and the actual gaming experience is great, but clearly we’re not in the business anymore.” (Steam Deck and PlayStation Portal want to talk.)

The Switch has not only survived the rise of mobile gaming, it’s thrived alongside them.After overcoming all odds, Nintendo finds its way to the future switch 2or whatever it ends up being called, next year. Excitement for the Switch 2 is at a fever pitch, and anything that deviates too much from the once-controversial Switch design is considered heresy in some corners of the internet.The prospect of new 3D is exciting mario,a new one Brawl brothers, And – ten years later! ——Mario Kart 9. But those 140 million Switch users may also want to keep their existing games.

Luckily, it’s impossible to avoid leaks, rumors, or reports about the Switch 2, and news of its official launch seems imminent. Not only are leaks popping up every other day, but the Switch’s 2024 release calendar paints a very clear picture for us all. A sparse 2024 calendar sets the stage for a 2025 lecture tour.Reports suggest Nintendo is Increase the size of Switch 2 units Before March 2025 and major releases, e.g. Pokémon ZA yes skip this year Aiming for the next target pretty much confirms the elephant in the room. Let me just say, we have two birthdays to celebrate next March and I’m really excited about it.

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