Dakota Johnson May Not Get Another Superhero Movie After ‘Mrs. Weber’

Leave Dakota Johnson out of any future superhero movie discussions.back mrs webb become Sony’s latest Spider-Man series flopseven though the movie was torn apart by the internet Fans continue to be enthusiastic, saying that the film camp is chaotic.most recently saturday night liveJohansson’s co-star Sidney Sweeney joked that you might “not see” her in the movie — and as for Johansson herself, she gave a sarcastic interview on the press tour, where her subtle words A lot of words were said in between.

a new interview Busy It turns out Johnson may never return to the character… or even the superhero genre as a whole. “Unfortunately, I’m not surprised that the movie tanked,” she said of the film’s reception. “It’s so hard to make movies, in these big movies, and even starting to happen with smaller movies, that’s what really scares me – decisions are made by committee, and art doesn’t do well when it’s made by committee Time. Movies are made by filmmakers and teams of artists around them. You can’t create art based on numbers and algorithms. I’ve long believed that audiences were incredibly smart, while executives came to believe that they weren’t. Audiences can always smell bullshit. Even if movies start to be made with artificial intelligence, humans won’t want to watch them.”

Johnson went on to explain that she was hesitant to ever trust an experience like Mrs. Weber’s again. “I’ve never done anything like it before. I’ll probably never do anything like it again because I didn’t make sense in that world. I know that now. But sometimes in this industry, you sign something and it’s It’s one thing and then when you make it it becomes something completely different and you’re like, Wait, what? But it was a real learning experience, and of course it’s not nice to be a part of something that’s torn to pieces, but I can’t say I didn’t get it. ”

Johnson does have a point when it comes to how executives make and shape these films. Just look at the challenges Marvel Studios faced after the huge success of Phase 4 and the waning of audience interest heading into Phase 5.While we’re a little bummed about Johnson’s reluctance to return to superherodom, consider mrs webbpotential future as a cult film. She and Sweeney may be staying away from it for now, but one day there might be enough fan demand to lure them back to the franchise… or at least reevaluate this.

mrs webb Now playing in theaters.

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