FF7 Blood of the Reborn Queen Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy VII Reborn It’s finally here and it’s awesome! It’s a deep and dynamic action RPG that provided me with beautiful settings, touching character development, and moments of tactical genius throughout the dozens of hours I put into it.But despite all its advantages and weaknessthe greatest thing it gave me was a new card game: queen’s blood.First introduced as a distraction during opening hours, I quickly realized a) how much I liked it and b) how much information it told rebirthof Sub-content. With that in mind, I took on every challenger, from regular hobbyists to robots and chocobos, and learned a thing or two along the way. Now, I would like to offer some advice to all the newcomers out there who want to get good at playing this popular card game around the world. FF7 reborn. This is what I have for you.

catch the middle

The best advice I can give, especially in the beginning, is to hold off on taking the middle column. Queen’s Blood is a game designed to increase the power level of your lane, but it’s also a territorial expansion game. Although you’ll find offense to be relatively successful when you first start playing the game (I won my first game this way), without a specific strategy in mind, this strategy can be very It will start to fall apart soon. Playing as many cards as possible is the equivalent of playing checkers. what do you want to play? chess. Knowing this, patience becomes a second-hand virtue. Waiting for your opponent to occupy the center so you can swoop in and force them onto the back foot is almost always the correct play. Be prepared to go back and forth, and know that playing the slow game is your best option as long as you have a clear mind and the right cards. By the time I learned this, I was winning every game without resetting and climbing up the ranks in Queen’s Blood.

Buy cards anytime, anywhere

I know this sounds like the most obvious advice, but money is a little tight early on final fantasy 7 reborn. I was particularly stingy and ignored some of the early shops in favor of converting materials I found in the open world. However, the in-game shop offers more than just basic potions, antidotes, gear, and materials. Queen’s Blood booster packs are also available at select grocery stores, as well as from some specialized vendors. Buying them for around 500 Gil each is the quickest way to start building a collection of cards big enough to give your deck some variety. Otherwise, every time you win a game you’ll get a card –if There’s even a bonus card, which some quest-related Queen’s Blood rounds don’t have. All of the booster packs have interesting themes, and some of my most useful cards have come from these very easy-to-miss sources.

Replacement cards are your best friend

You won’t get replacement cards for a while, but once you unlock them, they will become a defining element of your Queen’s Blood deck. Replacement cards are exactly what they sound like: they must be placed on top of a card you’ve already played, at which point they destroy and replace the card on the field. You might think that sacrificing the potential gain of more space to double down on a position you already occupy is a foolhardy move, but replacement cards are a great way to boost the power of your lane on the cheap.Unlike cards that require a certain number of tokens to be used, replacement cards use any item already in play as a token, meaning you can use low-level materials (such as Mandala, which will also give you a minion) to expand your territory, and Then replace it with something that might be more powerful and have a different mode, giving you more territory or tokens to pull higher level cards.

Replacement cards become key pieces of equipment in high-level Queen’s Blood, and your AI opponents will use them even if they don’t have enough space on the board to defeat you. You’ll think you’ve cornered them, and then they’ll replace half the field with more powerful monsters to defeat you. To prepare for these back-and-forths, it’s best to start getting used to playing replacement decks early and build complementary synergies. Speaking of which……

Don’t be afraid to use pre-built decks

The deck you start out with is good enough for a level or two so you can leave it alone, but soon you have to start building your own deck to continue competing. Making a deck where everything looks like it works together can be intimidating, especially when you’re just starting out. After all, you’re still learning the mechanics of Queen’s Blood through most of the early levels. I felt like my grasp of the game wasn’t solid enough until the Chapter 6 tournament, so don’t feel bad that it took a while. An easy way to think about it, though, lies in pre-built decks.

There is an option to sort and use a variety of pre-built decks made with synergy in mind, which are buried in rebirthmenu. As far as I know, the game never even mentions this option. In the pause menu, go to the option called “Card Decks” to get started. There you’ll see a number of slots for individual custom decks. Tapping the triangle to edit a given deck will take you to the card selection, at which point you’ll notice a prompt appear at the bottom of the screen asking to tap the PS5’s start button (the button with three lines) to “Make a pre-built deck.” Obtaining more cards unlocks more potential pre-built content, so go crazy with every player and buy every booster pack to see all the possibilities.

Experiment with synergies and see what works best for you

Aside from Queen’s Blood being the absolute end game, there are a variety of viable strategies and ways to build your deck, especially if you use pre-built decks as a reference for these synergies. You can make a deck entirely dedicated to enhancing your own cards, which will complement the Chocobo and Moogle cards, Cactus and Ifrit cards you acquired early on, with each enhanced ally The power of the cards will be increased by 2 points. Play a Loveless card in the middle of all the cards – when it’s played, it boosts the power of everything around it, and you basically have a deck that can carry me through most levels.

That’s not the only winning build, though. For example, Shiva can provide the foundation for a strong defensive deck, while HRE Soldier is a useful foundation for expansion- and territory-focused decks. If you want to get really crazy, try synergizing monsters that destroy indiscriminately (such as bomb cards) with Midgardsomr or Tonberry King, whose strength is proportional to the number of ally cards destroyed. You don’t have to worry about winning every line, as long as you get more points than your enemy’s total. There are even cards that will increase the number of points you get in a line if you win. The min-max game goes back and forth because it’s built for all of these strategies, which makes it even more fun to try.

If you wanted a more straightforward progression, I would emphasize buff-heavy expansion cards for the first few levels, and then introduce some cards with damaging/debuff abilities for the middle levels. Once you unlock replacement cards, start filtering them. You won’t regret it.

With that said, I think you know enough now to start cheering for some Queen’s Blood players. Remember to take your time and keep changing; you’ll be leaping through the ranks in no time. And then maybe, just maybe, Square Enix will make a standalone Queen’s Blood game and we can duke it out to see who’s truly the best.

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