Final Fantasy VII Reborn An evolved form with a combat system as it appears Final Fantasy VII Remake. As an action role-playing game, rebirthbattle It is both tactical and requires reaction time.have some moving parts happen all at once When the blades and spells start flying.
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Synergy skills and abilities, where two characters team up to perform actions together, can be a tricky subject for newcomers. Mastering these techniques is necessary to perform at your best in this game, as they will allow you to better control the fight while dealing more damage.
This guide explains synergy skills and abilities, how they work, and which ones you should master.
How collaborative skills and abilities adapt rebirthbattle
as it is in FF7 remake, rebirthThe core combat loop requires you to fill up the ATB meter with simpler attacks bound to the square button. When the ATB bar fills up, you can choose a more powerful skill or spell.
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Synergistic skills and abilities sit on both sides of this cycle. You can use synergy skills to raise your ATB meter faster and then use it to activate standard abilities, thus charging the synergy meter required to activate the synergy ability. It’s a little confusing at first, so let’s break down some basic combat vocabulary here to understand it.
- attack: Tethered to the square and perform normal attacks (consuming ATB)
- unique abilities: Bound with triangle, function varies by character
- ability: Sometimes referred to as “weapon abilities” or “ATB abilities” by some, once you fill up the ATB gauge with attacks, you can access these abilities in the ability command menu during combat (many abilities grant a synergy charge)
- spell: A magical attack, buff, or debuff selected from the Spells section of the command menu (many spells grant a synergy cost)
- Items: Use items from inventory (fills synergy gauge)
- Synergy skills: Activate by holding R1 and pressing the face button, a successful hit instantly recharges both characters’ ATB meters and costs nothing to use
- Synergy: Activate by selecting from the Synergy Abilities menu, which becomes available after both characters have performed sufficient abilities
With these terms in mind, your overall flow of actions in combat should look like this:
Attack/Synergy Skills (Fill in ATB)> Activate ATB abilities/spells/items (Fill in the synergy scale)> Activate synergy (when available)
This mode is in addition to Limit Break and Summon, which is beyond the scope of this synergy guide.
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You will unlock synergistic skills and abilities rebirthof Folio system, which we describe in detail here. Let’s take a closer look at synergy skills and abilities.
Collaborative skills accelerate ATB metering
While basic attacks fill up your meter, synergy skills are not only faster (and target two characters at once) but also generally deal more damage (and improve your relationship the people you use the skill with). The trade-off, however, is that synergistic skills often require more time or strategy to use than just mashing blocks to attack.
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When holding R1 during combat, your character will assume a defensive stance and can perform offensive synergy skills using square and triangle, or defensive synergy skills using X or circle (you can swap these skills in the game settings) .
Unlike ATB abilities, spells, synergies, and items, you can’t select synergy skills in the game’s tactical mode, where time slows down to allow you to make strategic decisions. That said, you can always hold down R1 while pressing the touchpad to stop time and see what synergy skills you have and what they do. Synergy skills are real-time maneuvers that you need to execute at the right moment, and if you’re not careful, you can easily miss or be interrupted.
Some basic synergy skills gained from Folio are:
Alice:Spell Explosion (can be used with Cait Sith, Tifa, and Yuffie)
Barrett: Friendly Fire (can be used with Aerith, Cait Sith, and Tifa)
Kate Sis: Magic Microphone (can be used with Could, Tifa and Yuffie)
cloud: Melee Blade (can be used with Aerith, Cait Sith, Tifa and Yuffie)
red thirteen: Wild Charge (available to everyone)
Tifa: Slide and Swipe (can be used with Aerith, Cloud, Kate Sith, and Yuffie)
Yuffie: Shuriken Sync (works with Cloud, Barret and Tifa)
Remember, if you want to try out a new synergy skill but haven’t earned enough points yet, you can return all skill points in the folio and start over. There are a ton of combinations between characters, all of which will vary depending on your playstyle, so it’s best to try out a number of different skills to see which one you like better.
Synergy abilities drastically change combat

You can tell whether the ATB skill fills up the synergy gauge by the icon below the command menu in the lower left corner of the screen. It looks like a vertical rectangle.
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Many of the synergy abilities do a decent amount of damage, but they all affect combat in a few different ways. Synergy abilities with two upward yellow arrows will increase your Limit Level, allowing characters to use higher level Limit Breaks (which you can unlock in the folio). Synergy abilities with an orange hourglass icon will extend the enemy’s staggered state (and therefore can only be used while the enemy is staggered). The purple infinity symbol on a synergy means you will have unlimited MP consumption for a period of time. A blue horizontal bar with three divisions will provide three ATB gauges for both characters to perform more ATB abilities, spells, and items.
As you can see, some synergy abilities make more sense to use at certain times than others. For example, let’s say you’re fighting a monster that has a weakness to lightning magic. In this case, it makes more sense to use unlimited MP synergy for any character who has unlimited MP synergy. Lightning material equipped. If your character is close to filling up their Limit Break Gauge, it makes sense to use synergy abilities to increase your Limit Level so that you can deal more damage once filled.

Once you activate a synergy ability, I also recommend switching to a character who is not active in that ability. Whenever you use a synergy ability, the camera will zoom in on the selected character to show off their attacks. While it’s cool the first time around, it’s better to switch to a free character and keep performing attacks to fill up their ATB gauge, which in turn will bring them closer to being able to use synergy abilities.
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rebirthThe key to combat is maintaining momentum, pushing your character for bigger attacks while weakening your opponent through pressure and shock.
We recommend mastering the following synergy capabilities:
United refocuses: Temporarily grants three ATB scales (available to everyone)
Fireworks Knife: Increase limit break level (can be used with Aerith and Cloud)
relentless sprint: Extend the staggered state (can be used with Cloud and Tifa)
Synchronous cyclone separator: Grants unlimited MP (works with Cloud and Tifa)
Sweet and sour: Extend the staggered state (can be used with Aerith and Barret)
As with synergy skills, the more synergies you have, the better. If you don’t use your unlocked content, you can reassign it in Folio for free at any time.
Collaborative skills and abilities are critical to doing well at work rebirth. Skills are especially easy to overlook early on, so be sure to incorporate them into your combat routine as soon as possible.