Large game companies have been on a growth trend over the past few years Acquisition studio. However, Arrowhead Game Studios is one studio that won’t be acquired anytime soon. Developers of the top multiplayer games of 2024 Hellraiser 2 Recently had to respond to growing rumors on social media that the studio is being acquired by someone else game consolethis will never happen.
Rumors that PlayStation will acquire Arrowhead originated from a March 5 user post on X (formerly Twitter) @NextGenPlayer claiming that “there are new rumors that Arrowhead has been acquired by Sony” and that an official announcement is “allegedly” imminent. It comes with a picture of the PlayStation Studios and Arrowhead Game Studios logos side by side, with the text “Welcome to the family.” Some believe this is possible, considering PlayStation is the publisher behind both games. hell diver game.Johan Pilestedt, CEO of Arrowhead responded Claiming it was fake, “unless I’m missing something.” Pilestedt also humorously pointed out that the fake image used a “terrible” version of the studio’s logo from 2008. In response to more posts about fake claims, Pilestedt go on This is the first time he’s heard of it, which is a good indication that it’s not true.
Published via PlayStation Hellraiser 2, many fans have the impression that Arrowhead will be acquired or has already been acquired. Just a day before the fake image announcing the acquisition was released, a user on social media claimed that the game was being made by a Sony-owned studio and would not be coming to Xbox.Pierstedt responded reiterate The studio is independently owned by its founders and no one else, including Sony. at the same time, Hellraiser 2 It will only get better upon release.The latest news from Arrowhead is Mecha Battlegrounds will be added in the near future, which is sure to only add to the chaos of co-op shooters.