A few weeks later, the 90s back to style– Well, if you’re a fan of Marvel’s merry mutants, that is.It won’t be long until X-Men ’97the iconic new continuation of X-Men: The Animated Series Heading to Disney+, Marvel has now dropped all 10 episode titles for season one… including some that will surprise comic book fans.
In appropriately retro style, a new poster styled after the TV Guide cover reveals: ’97 The show will premiere with two episodes on March 20 and then roll out the remaining eight episodes each week, including a three-part finale collectively titled “Tolerance is Extinction.”
That’s not the only provocative headline. But it has a strong “E is for Extinction” vibe, which was the name of the opening arc of Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s run. New X-Menwhich introduces Charles Xavier’s evil twin, Cassandra Novaand witnessed the carnage in the mutant island paradise of Genosha – a X-Men The animated continuity was only recently carved out of the oppressive human regime by Magneto.The second half of the two-episode premiere, “Mutant Liberation Begins,” certainly sounds like a nod to the Mutant Liberation Front, a radical terrorist organization that rose to ideologically thwart the X-Men and Xavier mutants The dream of human fusion – Interestingly, at one point, the evil Reignfire was a brainwashed version of New Mutants leader Sunspot, who we know will appear in X-Men ’97.
Perhaps the most interesting titles, however, are the ones that most clearly reference the comics: “Motendo/Lifedeath Part 1” and its follow-up, “Lifedeath Part 2.” 1984 bumper size designations Uncanny X-Men #186, “Lifedeath: A Love Story,” is a major character exploration for Storm and a signature issue that ties together the character’s various explorations of identity in the ’80s.Set after she’s been weakened by an anti-mutant weapon called a “neutralizer” – shot Designed for thieves—Storm finds himself cross paths with the mysterious, isolated inventor Fudge. Unaware that he himself was both a mutant and the developer of the Neutralizer, which took away her powers while she recuperated in his luxurious tech lab and home, “Life and Death” introduces Forge as One of the earliest and oldest people to storm. funniest romantic interests (Although it never actually developed into a full relationship). This also puts Storm in the dilemma of finding out who she is. her mutant powersand the identity she hopes to forge for herself—as she painfully and proudly declares to Forge at the end of the issue, as she sees how his isolation led him to collaborate with the U.S. government’s anti-mutant fringe of the road, “My feet may never leave the ground…but one day, I Will Fly again! “

“Live and Let Die” takes place during the culmination of a very tumultuous period for Storm throughout the early ’80s in the comics, because Unbelievable Scribe Chris Claremont (for whom Storm was, in many ways, arguably the main character of X-Men ) looks at the various identities Storm has tried to assume for herself, beyond the placid weather most people are used to. . It’s the “Punk Storm” era of leather jackets and mohawks, and after a duel with their former leader Callisto, she tries to adapt to being the leader of the mutant underground known as the Morlocks, but Basically failed.It was also when she experienced a non-explicit text but A very obvious bisexual awakening Her flirtation with Yukio while the X-Men were in Japan. As Storm fights all of this and gets to know the Forge in “Life and Death,” there comes a time in her life when she thinks the one thing that has long defined her, her abilities, is gone , she was sifting through the remnants. ——Finally she returned to X-Men issue 15, Successfully challenge the Cyclops Able to lead a team even without her powers.
It’s arguably a monumental moment for the character of Storm, and one of the most prominent single issues in Chris Claremont’s entire series. Uncanny X-Men.exactly how X-Men ’97 Whether it will be woven into the continuity of the animated series, with all its builds, remains to be seen (we know from the trailer that Callisto will have at least some role in the series, of course) ’97 Storm retains her white costume from the comics and original cartoon, but swaps it out for a mohawk), but even so, it’s interesting enough for such a special story.
X-Men ’97 Streaming on Disney+ starting March 20.
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