Fear not, Helldivers 2 players, an update that will make heavy enemies “easier to take down” should be rolling out soon.

If you’ve been putting off returning to Helldiver 2’s over-the-top firefights to take control of certain planets because you’re worried about being blown to smithereens by a horde of heavily armed enemies, then I’ve got good news for you – a patch should be coming soon, This will make your hell diving life less difficult.

Yes, don’t worry, after a flurry of complaints on Reddit and Discord – some more constructive than others – a fix really needs to be on the way following the arrival of the game’s controversial first batch of balance changes in progress. So hopefully once it arrives, there will be fewer instances of people suddenly being ambushed by seemingly indestructible robots.

In a post on the Helldivers 2 Discord server, community manager Spitz outlined the upcoming changes Arrowhead plans to deploy soon to help make heavy enemies less of an insurmountable obstacle.

“I wanted to take a moment this afternoon to let you all know that we’ve heard your concerns over the past few days regarding enemy spawning, enemy armor, and the ability to kill these enemies,” they wrote. Previously, our The team is constantly listening to player feedback and looking at how to tweak the game to ensure it’s fair, fun, and provides the best experience for everyone.

“I can confirm that we are currently looking at changes to the spawn rate and health of heavy enemies and will try to spread them out more to prevent large numbers of tougher monsters from appearing at once and make them a bit easier to take down. This Changes should be released in a future hotfix – no date yet.”

Spitz also noted that “the EAT-17 and recoilless rifles are no longer [suffers] When hitting an armored enemy with a deflected shot’s ‘glazing angle’, damage is reduced by 50%. “Combined with the upcoming health and spawn rate adjustments, this should make larger enemies less common and instead spawn more ‘chaff’ enemies to support them, and should allow players to get through a proper Shoot to take down these enemies,” they concluded, “hopefully this will reduce endless kiting incidents and situations where players don’t have any effective weapons to kill the more difficult enemies. “

So, there you have it, you can stop having nightmares about encountering the Hulk and Lightning when you’re just trying to survive an extraction mission, or defend a key location on a planet like Tianguan, where People are working hard to secure the mechas we all crave.

While you can already find some of these exoskeleton suits on the battlefield, the fight to defend Earth has proven so difficult it has spawned veritable war poetry, so get out there and help, soldier!

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