How to use Alexa’s Drop In feature

Amazon’s “Drop In” feature has become a useful tool for connecting with your family and finding out what your kids are up to (especially when they also quiet) and check on older relatives. It allows you to truly “plug in” with your Alexa-enabled device, whether that’s via audio only or both audio and video. However, since you don’t want anyone to bother you unnecessarily, it’s a good idea to know how to set it up and how to use it.

In order to allow someone to access any Alexa-enabled device, you first have to enable the Access feature on that specific device.

If you want people outside your household to be able to access your device, you must mark the contact as allowed.

Now that you have everything set up, it’s easy. Just use the command “Alexa, plug in…” along with the name of the device you want to call.

For example, to find out what’s going on in another Echo Show room called “Kid’s Den,” just say “Alexa, stop by Kid’s Den.” Devices in the room will beep and their lights (if any) will turn green. You’ll then be able to see and hear what’s going on in the other room through your device – and if they have a device with a camera, they’ll be able to see and hear what’s going on in your room. (Of course, if either party is using an audio-only device, this will limit the communication to, well, audio.)

To stop connecting, say “Alexa, hang up.”

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