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76 ratings investor observer Inc (AMZN) stock puts it near the top of the Internet retail industry. In addition to scoring higher than 100% of stocks in the Internet Retail industry, AMZN’s overall rating of 76 means the stock scores higher than 76% of all stocks.

What do these ratings mean?
Finding the best stocks to invest in can be difficult. With thousands of options out there, people can be confused about what truly constitutes a great value. investor observer Allows you to choose from eight unique metrics to view the top industries and best-performing stocks in the industry. A score of 76 ranks higher than 76% of all stocks. This ranking system incorporates numerous factors that analysts use to compare stocks in greater detail. This allows you to find the best stocks in any industry with relative ease. These percentile-ranked scores using fundamental and technical analysis provide investors with an easy way to view the attractiveness of a specific stock. Stocks with the highest scores have the best reviews from Wall Street analysts.
What happened to Inc. stock today? Inc (AMZN) stock is trading at $177.46 as of 11:10 AM on Friday, March 8, a gain of $0.64, or 0.36% from the previous closing price of $176.82. So far today, the stock has traded between $176.10 and $178.79. Volume today was below average. 9,735,639 shares have traded so far, compared to average volume of 48,610,779 shares. Click here to get the full stock report on Inc.