Fortnite is down all day

The launch of fortniteThe Greek mythology-themed Chapter 5: Season 2 has been on hold since early this morning after the usual maintenance downtime didn’t end as planned. Epic typically shuts down its servers at 3 a.m. ET to prepare for major updates, but only for a few hours. This time around, the battle royale game is offline until Friday night.

After 9pm ET, players began reporting that they were able to download the update and get into the game. However, many people say they are still waiting in queues to log in or receive error messages when trying to play the game.


Scheduled maintenance work has been completed.

Posted 58 minutes ago. March 9, 2024 – 03:01 UTC

Updated March 8 at 11:03 pm ET: Updated to state that the game will be back online soon and to provide the latest information on ongoing issues.

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