Last year it was one This is very strange There are many aspects to the Marvel Cinematic Universe that make you curious about what it will produce in 2023.The biggest example of this is Miracle: This movie won mixed reception Released in November, it ended up being one of the worst-performing MCU movies to date.
That in itself is indicative of some audience fatigue, which naturally happens when you’ve been in this industry for 15 years.But what really caught people’s attention was how quickly Disney wanted to wipe its hands The whole thing, not to mention how the company so easily placed any possible blame on Director Nia DaCosta.
But the following Miracle‘Arrived at Streaming and DVD In January, there seemed to be more viewers sparkling and is able to be adjusted via its body swapping device.according to hollywood reporter, which was the most-watched streaming movie last week, with 558 million minutes watched. Much of the film’s appeal comes from its returning heroes, Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), Monica Rambeau (Tayonah Parris) and Kamala Khan (played by Iman Veerani). While the film has its problems, the three leads make it work, an achievement all the more remarkable given that they’ve all only appeared as these characters for relatively short periods of time.
and Miracle Now out on Disney+ and DVD/Blu-ray, io9 had the chance to chat with Parris about being a part of the MCU so far, and the transition the film has taken since it dropped from theaters.
Justin Carter, io9: Monica is always improving Miracle. Get into this franchise Wanda Vision, Did you ever think about entering the film industry so soon?
Terona Paris: I don’t know where Monica will end up after I sign. Wanda Vision. I was hopeful and excited, but focused on the “mission,” which was the show. But halfway through or towards the end of production, they asked me about some future plans they had for her.It’s exciting to know where she’s going next and bring her back Miracle An exciting challenge for me.
For me, the biggest difference with Monica is Wanda Vision and Miracle It’s her place in the world.and Wanda, I was able to take advantage of Monica’s scientific knowledge and her abilities without extensive training.exist Miracle, She has superpowers now, and she’s in S.H.I.E.L.D.—she’s definitely doing a lot more than what Tayona was letting on.There’s more to learn, train and fight [choreography]. The transfer process requires a lot of physical work, but so far it’s been fun pushing myself.
io9: You have previously worked with [director] Nia da Costa previously appeared candy man– How does it feel to work with her again and continue to have that rapport?
Paris: Nia and I have a good working relationship candy man, And I love her.This laid the foundation for us [we] incorporate Miracle Together.It’s a different movie and genre candy man Has its own responsibilities and challenges. But what remains constant is that Nia remains true to who she is as an artist when it comes to communicating and collaborating with actors. Sometimes things going on around us are just “we’ll figure it out.” But overall it’s been great working together again and deepened our working relationship and understanding of each other.
io9: Miracle is a very stupid movie. You’ve done comedies before; how much did that previous experience help you?
Paris: I come from a theater background, so I had some experience with silly, screwball comedy before. Film-wise, I borrowed some of the things I did on the first film—they come togetherwith Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd They cloned Talon, I can be weird in this regard.The difference here is [Monica] He’s more of a straight person, or at least the closest thing to it. Playing this role requires different skills, and all kinds of shenanigans happen around you.
io9: When you have to be a straight person explaining scientific terms at the same time, it’s probably hard to do that too, right? I don’t know how you do it.
Paris: I don’t even know how I done! [laughs] They’ll change it immediately, so even if I’m working from home, they’ll hear it and be like, “Oh, we need to change it to something else.” In those moments, I’ll look at them like, “Man You guys, there are 18 million things going on, and now I have a whole half page of scientific stuff that you want to make sound more natural and more human, but you are changing the moment!”
I’m a type A person and I want to take it and study it and find out what they are – it can help you understand what you are talking about. So when that changes, my personal flow gets disrupted. This is what I said before – getting into this larger space is very challenging and you have to figure it out. There are things that are specific to my personality, like lingo that really require me to complete a task.

io9: Much of Monica’s current baggage revolves around her late mother Maria. What was it like for you to finally see her live? Post-credits scene Still alive and well, albeit a variant from another universe?
Paris: It was a quiet shooting day for me and I wanted to block everything out. I had to think about my mom and the emotions of loss and sadness that Monica felt when she returned to that hospital. Wanda Vision.
The filming was short, but Lashana Lynch was fantastic as a performance and scene partner.She was very supportive and we had a great time during the shoot…even though it was devastating.
io9: both Wanda Vision and Miracle Coming up during these strange times in the world. How do you feel about having these two MCU milestones sandwiched between these real-world events?
Paris: It’s a challenge, I’ll be honest. It was a dream role for me and the creative process was wonderful. Miracle This is a project that you want to go out and sing its praises to everyone, not to mention the fan base and core following. I look forward to being a part of this space: Wanda Vision, the pandemic has made it so that no one wants to be around anyone. I thought, that’s great, there will be a next project, it will happen next time.
surprise, surprise! It’s crazy – think about it, I’ve been in this universe for five years and not had a press tour that I really enjoyed. It really sucks because the fans are so into it and I want to be able to share it with them in real time. Also, Monica has a cool personality and I want more people to know who she is!
io9: Miracle Once it goes online, it seems to be even more popular with viewers. Have you been following its transformation on social media?
Paris: I get tagged on social media and people get excited about it. It’s great to see; we all put a lot of effort into it and it’s a quirky, silly little piece of work in its own right. To me, it’s cool and fun and I feel like we’re staying very true to a comic book movie that can become its own thing. I’m glad that people now have a chance to actually see it and enjoy it, and it’s exciting every time an audience sees your work and enjoys it.
Miracle Now available on Blu-ray/DVD and Disney+.
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