Dragon’s Dogma 2 director wants you to think its world is so exciting you won’t care you can’t ride a horse

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Navigating this world isn’t easy, but the game director wants the world to be engaging enough that it doesn’t matter.

Fast travel? Who needs it! Well, that’s probably true for a lot of people, since open-world games are often huge and a bit of a pain to play, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun when the game tries to force you to explore. Dragon’s Dogma is one such game, and while it does have fast travel, it’s not easy to get into. Game director Hideaki Itsuno knows players want to be able to move around easily, but he did recently share some thoughts with Automaton on why. “In open-world games, players often need long-distance transportation such as horses,” Itsuno said.

“However, I think the reason why users want horses is not because they want to experience horse riding, but because they will find the road boring if they don’t ride a horse. Therefore, our goal is to prepare a road that is enjoyable for players It doesn’t feel like a need for a horse. We’ve built a lot of ‘fun’ into the map so players don’t get bored along the way, and our development policy is to make it actually a shame to ride a horse (laughs).”

If you do like fast travel to 100% help you play the game, I wouldn’t worry too much. Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi also explained in the same interview: “We also don’t intend to impose anything on them, because we believe that players have multiple ways to interact with the game. Therefore, while focusing on balance, we prepared a Fast – using Ferrystones’ travel system.”

Itsuno went on to further detail the Ferry Stones, which are apparently “super rare” on your first run, but “as you make more money, you can start using them fairly freely.” ” Essentially, it sounds like the early games required you to actually explore, which is certainly not a bad thing – the developers wanted you to see what they’d actually done!

There are other ways to travel, such as by bullock cart, although these may be subject to attack, so you should always be vigilant.

Alex recently had the chance to preview the game, and not only does he think it’s a contender for Game of the Year, but he also thinks it could be one of the great games of all time. The rest of us will have to wait until March 22 to find out how true that statement is.

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