4 big questions the Pentagon’s new UFO report doesn’t answer

So, what are these procedures?Pentagon study leaves us wondering about the most interesting and potentially groundbreaking question: What exactly was the secret zoning program witnessed by whistleblowers and the government misidentification Is it related to UAP technology? Exactly what the Pentagon, the intelligence community or defense contractors are working on, in the murky world of SAP, from a concentric circle or two away looks and sounds like reverse engineering of otherworldly technology, even in Research on so-called “non-human biological products”?

There are at least four obvious possibilities.

Secret technology from foreign countries

First, what bizarre technological possibilities are recovered from the unknown terrestrial source? For example, if the government is researching reverse-engineering technologies, these may come from advanced hostile nation-states such as China, Russia, and Iran, or even from quasi-allies such as Israel, whose technology sharing may be more limited with the United States. What have other countries mastered that we have not yet mastered?

Questions about “features”

Second, what technologies does the United States have that the public doesn’t know about? One of the common threads in UFO sightings over the decades has been secret military aircraft and spacecraft that were either under development or not yet publicly acknowledged. For example, the CIA estimates that the U-2 spy plane of the 1950s accounts for as many as half of reported UFO sightings. The AARO report spends six pages documenting how confusion over subsequent generations of U.S. secret government aircraft also appeared to have contributed to a massive interstellar game of telephone with the government’s internal UFO programs, including the modern Predator, Reaper, and Global Hawk. Drones. AARO investigated an allegation that a witness claimed to have heard a former US serviceman touch an alien spacecraft, but when they tracked the serviceman down, he said the conversation likely involved him touching an F-117 A garbled version of Nighthawk’s stealth fighter in a secret facility.

There are of course other secret aircraft still being tested and developed right now, including the B-21 stealth bomber, which made its first test flight in November and is currently being tested at Edwards Air Force Base in California, as well as others we don’t know about about. The government can still surprise us with unknown aircraft, like the heretofore unknown modified stealth helicopter left behind in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Some of this work, which is still classified, may also contribute to the UFO confusion: AARO clarified one witness’s account of seeing a UAP with “special characteristics” at a specific time and place, and was able to determine “at the time the interviewee said he observed “The incident occurred while the Department of Defense was conducting testing of a SAP-protected platform. The seemingly strange characteristics reported by the interviewees closely match those of the platform, which was being tested at military installations during the interviewees’ time frame. ” So what is this craft – and what is its “uniqueness”?

On a related note, the U.S. military has a classified spacecraft, the X-37B, that has been orbiting the Earth regularly since its first mission in 2010 (it just carried out its seventh and most recent mission in December) and the previous sixth mission, which lasted a record 908 days in orbit. For years, the Pentagon said little about what it was doing there. What secret space or aviation-related programs are the government running that the outside world mistakes for alien spacecraft?

important things

From an outsider’s perspective, a third area of ​​potentially UFO-related technology development is more speculative basic research and development: What propulsion systems or materials science breakthroughs are defense contractors currently working on that could transform our collective future? AARO finds confusion again: After a witness reported hearing that “aliens” observed a secret government test, AARO traced the allegation and found that “the conversation may have mentioned a person nicknamed ‘Alien.'” person’s test and evaluation unit.” refers to the meaning of the specific installation. The nature of the testing described by the interviewees closely matched the descriptions of specific material testing communicated to AARO investigators. ” So what materials are being tested there?

The AARO report contains some puzzling materials science breadcrumbs.It found one example of “a private sector organization claiming to possess material from an alien spacecraft that was recovered from a crash at an unknown location in the 1940s or 1950s.” The organization claimed, The material has the potential to act as a terahertz frequency waveguide and therefore exhibit “antigravity” and “mass-reducing” properties under the right conditions. However, the new report ultimately concludes: “AARO and a leading scientific laboratory concluded Conclusion, the material is a metal alloy, terrestrial in nature, likely sourced from the U.S. Air Force [US Air Force] Origin, based on its material properties. “

limited knowledge

The fourth and final category is the truly weird category: scientists at the cutting edge of physics point out that we should be humble about how little we really know about the universe; as Avi Loeb, chair of the astronomy department at Harvard University, As explained, everything we have learned about relativity and quantum physics actually unfolded within a human lifetime, and shocking new discoveries continue to amaze scientists. Just last summer, scientists announced they had detected for the first time gravitational waves crisscrossing the universe, rippling through space and time, and astrophysicists still suspect the universe is much stranger than we thought. (Italian astrophysicist Carlo Rovelli, who last year proposed the existence of “white holes” in relation to black holes, noted that just 25 years ago when he began his career, this was still a mystery.) )

The answer here might be almost impossibly strange—think parallel dimensions or the ability to travel at a fraction of the speed of light. One of the most interesting questions left by the UAP “telephone game” is whether the amazing advances in physics are actually felt by government scientists, defense contractors, research labs or centers that, from the outside, seem Probably shocking. Related to UFOs.

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