‘Honest Don’ creates new nickname for himself during late-night rant on truth social show

Donald Trump weighed in on “Truth Social” early Tuesday morning about the state of his bid to win back the White House this November. While that’s not unusual, Trump’s decision to create a new nickname for himself is certainly rare. New name? Honest Don, if you can believe it.

Trump began his tweet (or, in the parlance of his social media platform, his truth) by referring to President Joe Biden’s Democratic challenger Dean Phillips, who was in the early days of the campaign. The selection performed poorly and eventually withdrew last week.

“Dean Phillips just ‘quit’ his ill-fated campaign against crooked Joe Biden, and his political skills aren’t that great. In fact, I’d say, with a few exceptions, he’s better than my Republican challenger Far worse. I can give you these names if you want, but I would rather get serious about defeating the worst president in American history by far, Crooked Joe Biden!!!” Trump wrote not long ago 1:30 a.m. Eastern Time.

Why does Trump surround “quit” with scare quotes? Your guess is as good as ours, but it’s something he does a lot.To be honest, his brain seems leaking out of his ears at this point.

But then Trump got down to business, demanding a debate with Biden and giving himself a new nickname that he seemed to have never used before.

“For the sake of our now declining nation, and for the American people to understand what’s going on in our country, we must have a full-blown debate between Crooked Joe and Honest Don now. I’m ready, anytime, anywhere!” ” Trump wrote.

If Trump wants a debate as soon as possible, it’s usually a long time before that happens between the major party candidates. For example, the first debate between Trump and Biden in the 2020 cycle took place on September 29, 2020.If you check a calendar near you, it’s only March, more than 6 months earlier than before

It’s unclear why Trump wants a debate so soon, but perhaps he understands there’s a good chance he’ll be taken to court before September. As you are probably well aware, Trump faces a litany of charges in four different jurisdictions, including his attempt to stage a coup on January 6, 2021, to remain in power. Another case involves Trump’s refusal to return classified documents to the U.S. National Archives, many of which he stored in a bathroom at a Florida club.

In fact, CNN spoke with former Mar-a-Lago employee Brian Butler on Monday, who explained more horrific details about Trump’s activities that have never been made public before.In addition to being asked to move the club’s documents to evade investigators, Butler also claims Trump provided highly confidential information to Australian billionaire Anthony Platt About submarines.

Butler claims Platt paid more than a million dollars to gain access to Trump.

“So Anthony Platt, who you’re talking about as an Australian billionaire, is he going to spend a lot of money to come to Mar-a-Lago and have these New Year’s parties?” CNN’s Caitlan Collins Kaitlan Collins asked Butler.

“It probably costs a thousand, fifteen hundred dollars per person,” Butler said, explaining the normal price of admission to the party. “He gave away a million dollars. I think at his peak, he had 30 or 40 people there.”

Butler went on to say of Platt, “This is a guy who just bought access. It’s easy to see that.”

Yes, it doesn’t look like Honesty Don’s new nickname is here to stay. But we’ll just have to wait and see. Stranger things have happened — like Trump currently polling favoring Biden. Honest Don can indeed return to the White House through a free and fair election. What a world.

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