Earlier this year, writer Ernst Cline Announce He will start a virtual universe company.Ironically, Klein once wrote Ready Player One, a popular science fiction novel about a dystopia in which people escape the harsh realities of the world by plugging into a virtual universe-like gaming environment.Now, as Our own world is becoming increasingly dystopianKlein’s company has previewed the first gaming experience that lets you ditch everything and enjoy a bit of digital escapism.
At this week’s SXSW, Crane’s company Readyverse Studios debuted its new game, which is called Open.The trailer is Open Not giving up too much, but does have a lot of features Get Ready Player One –Input image:
company Described Open As “the first genre-defining AAA Metaverse gaming experience, interoperable with top IP via web3 technology. A multi-biome, multi-IP, multi-mode battle royale experience developed for PC and next-gen platforms will be the future of gaming Lay the foundation.”
While much of this sounds like corporate gobbledygook to me, here’s what can be deciphered: Open Possibly a game that can be played on a computer or via a fancy AR/VR headset. The “multi-IP” part refers to the fact that other franchises will soon be incorporating their own characters into the game. Venture Beat reported on the game’s launch this week at SXSW, reported that OpenThe “immersive multiverse will be filled with nostalgic biomes, featuring characters and cultural legends from the iconic series.”
We previously thought that by founding Metaverse, Crane essentially created his own company “Torture relationship.” While one would think of his book as a cautionary tale about how virtual worlds can be used to divert and deceive the masses, he seems to be busy doing just that now. That said, maybe we could all use a little diversion from time to time.If you’re happy to distract yourself from the current hellscape, Readyverse has let you know, their Open Waiting list is now open.To jump on it, head to Visit open.game.