Tesla back in court over Autopilot’s role in 2018 fatal crash

Tesla will soon be back in court over the crash that killed Wei “Walter” Huang nearly six years ago. The trial, which will take place in California the week of March 18, will determine whether Tesla and its driver-assist software were responsible for the fatal crash, according to a report. Reuters.

as pointed out Reuters” , Huang’s attorney asked a Tesla witness “whether the company knew that drivers would not look at the road when using its driver assistance systems. ” The deposition reportedly cited a 2016 email from former Tesla president Jon McNeill to former Autopilot chief Sterling Anderson, which read: “ I felt so comfortable in Autopilot that I ended up blowing out of the exit from being immersed in an email or phone call. “

Tesla has faced legal action before over its driver-assist features but has never been found liable. Last year, the automaker won two lawsuits alleging that Autopilot caused two crashes.

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