Helldivers 2 community risks splitting as plans abandon current goals in favor of potentially catastrophic memetic attacks

Remember Malivron Creek? Well, in case you weren’t there, dude, Helldiver 2 players tragically lost the planet in a battle so intense that it spawned a slew of memes. Now, inspired by these jokes, some are trying to incite another large-scale attack, but their more serious counterparts believe doing so could ultimately have a negative impact on the current war effort.

Yes, the community is divided over how disastrous a return to the world could be, and some people just can’t stop thinking about it – mostly because they can’t stop making jokes about the Vietnam War. If nothing else, it’s a very interesting case of meme evolution, with the Malivron Creek joke that helped bring players together now exacerbating some of the rifts between some hardcore roleplayers and the wider pragmatists.

On the Helldivers 2 subreddit, a number of posts have appeared over the past few days calling for people to return to Malevelon Creek to launch a massive attack aimed at bringing the planet into the hands of Space Earth once and for all. They mostly come from people who are at least trying to commit to roleplaying, and usually quote the typical “avenge our fallen comrades” language you’ve probably seen in a lot of Malivron-based memes.

The date they hope to get people back to Earth (at least in most cases) is March 16th. The posts did not provide a specific or clear reason for choosing this particular date. Conceivably, this may simply be because participants believed that holding the party on a Saturday would allow as many people as possible to attend, since many people work during the week.

That said, a quick Google reveals March 16 as the date of the 1968 My Lai Massacre, a war crime committed by U.S. troops against Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam War. To be clear, none of the posts directly referenced the massacre, so it’s likely just a coincidence. Still, it seems worth noting, considering that many of the memes about Malifron Creek draw on stereotypes and language associated with the Vietnam War, as the community’s nickname for the planet due to its environment and enemies is “Robots” Vietnam”. You can see why this visual might be considered vulgar, right?

Regardless of the intentions, the plan didn’t go down well with many people busy working toward the game’s current goals. The planet that most of these players are urging their meme-obsessed peers to focus on is Draupnir, which, as of this writing, is in a stalemate with a liberation rate of 11.20, according to Helldivers.io.

Approximately 30,000 players are listed as deployed on its surface, so it’s fair to say there’s a war raging there right now. Still, there’s far from a consensus on whether this is actually the best solution to the community’s current plight. Some have even begun dissecting how supply lines work on different planets in the game, in case there are any clues to best capture the community’s attention.

We’ll have to see what most end up doing, but as one player in the thread above said, convincing people to help achieve victory on less glamorous or well-known planets looks like it’ll be a future theme for them “The problem is you have to explain every time why it’s important, but the Creeks, everyone already knows why it’s important to them,” explained.

Be sure to check out our story on the game’s latest patch, which launched earlier today and brings some highly requested changes to heavy enemies.

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