The Internet Is Trying to Lighten Kate Middleton’s Workload with Photoshop Memes

A screenshot of a Kate Middleton meme was heavily Photoshopped onto another person's body.

Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, has managed to turn the world upside down in recent days, Posted a heavily photoshopped photo of her and her children. The photo sparked conspiracy theories about her whereabouts after nearly two months of public absence – had she been replaced by a body double? Is she in a coma? — and prompted internet sleuths to examine it with a magnifying glass.

After seeing the chaos caused by the photo, Middleton came out and coyly said it was her doing and that she “will try it once in a while.”[s] with the editor. The public online seemed largely unconvinced, with many saying Middleton’s use of photo editing tools didn’t make any sense. (I Belong unpopular opinion She’s just a mom who didn’t like the photos her husband took and decided to “fix” them herself).

While debate continues to rage online about who exactly is behind the photo, some decided to devote themselves to another task entirely: making memes.

Now that Middleton has revealed that she’s Kensington Palace’s chief photographer, the internet has rallied to help her in her quest. In anticipation that Buckingham Palace may be preparing to release new photos of Middleton to reassure the public that she is in good health, users created eye-catching memes of the Princess of Wales at President Biden’s 2021 inauguration, on vacation, and on the Titanic . Some. After all, it’s best to have a large selection of materials to choose from.

If anything, these acts of devotion from the online public are a testament to Middleton’s recognition. Many ordinary people once felt confident in their Photoshop skills. Almost everyone found that this was not the case.

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