Like taking a pair of pants to a tailor, a good mod can breathe new life into a game, changing the way it looks or plays with exciting or hilarious results. Final Fantasy 7 Remake There are already some reliable mods, such as Turn pretty boy Cloud Strife into sexy boyand Another reimagines Sephiroth as Ronald McDonald, because why not? Now, three of our best girls – Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, and Yuffie Kisaragi – have received a different kind of transformation that’s given them enough muscle to pull off Split anyone in half.
as found computer gamer, mod repository Nexus Mods offers three new transformations for the girl band. Created by modder FudgeX02 in early March, each mod becomes one of the following: FF7RLeading ladies to become muscle moms. I mean, they’re awesome, they look like bodybuilders, or maybe wrestlers on steroids. Best of all, in addition to the incredible character models, FudgeX02 gave them each appropriate and hilarious names.talking “Alice Gainsborough” “Beef” Lockhartand “Buffy” Kisaragi. They’re so good I’m dying and it makes me wonder if Mako is really just a green protein shake.
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As FudgeX02’s description of the mod shows, every aspect of these women is exaggerated. “Everything is bigger,” he said. “No more twig Tifa.”
In DM my city On Nexus Mods, FudgeX02 stated that although it was his first time making Tifa fans two years agowho has since created the mod Resident Evil 4 and Street Fighter 6 Hone his skills. This new Beefa—along with Aerith and Yuffie’s two other muscle mom mods—took him only a few hours to put together. He also briefly explains why he sent our heroine to the gym.
“I always felt that Tifa was too thin to fight, which is why I made the first version of ‘Beefa’ two years ago,” said FudgeX02. “Of course, my version is too big, but the character really should look more like Cammy. street fighter Instead of looking so weak. As for Alice and Yuffie, it’s just because I can. “
I asked FudgeX02 to elaborate.
“I like muscular women,” FudgeX02 explains. “To me, muscle is like a reward regulator. In my mind, bigger is better.”

I think it makes sense that Tifa and Yuffie would have more muscle than they currently have in the game. The former is a martial artist and the latter is a ninja. These professions all require a certain level of strength, right? I just don’t know if anyone expected them to look like Dwayne Johnson or John Cena. I mean, these women look like they bench press at least 200 pounds. This means that if Claude Strife really weighed 160 pounds, any of these women could pick him up, no problem. Likewise, while we don’t know Sephiroth’s official weight, I fully expect “Aerith Gainsbro,” “Beefa” Lockhart, and “Buffie” Kisaragi to crush him. No materials required.