The Internet Is Furious Over ‘Love Is Blind’ Season 6 Past Couple Reunited: ‘No One Cares’

Netflix teases ‘surprise guests’ on show Love is blind Season 6 reunion, no one expected it to be like this.

Past contestants Janina Milady, Matt Bolton, Coleen Reed, Kwame Appiah and Chelsea Griffin were among those in attendance for the special night.

The first few clips of the highly anticipated series were filled with alumni introductions and recaps, which disappointed viewers who tuned in for updates on the latest episodes. It didn’t take long for the internet to be abuzz with criticism of the new series.

“The fact that they only have one couple getting married this season is actually awkward and they’re really looking back at past couples because this season lacks romantic feel-good scenes,” Tweet An unhappy spectator.

“Sorry, why are we doing a segment about participants from past seasons?!? I want to discuss this season’s tea,” wrote other.

A third accused co-host Vanessa Lucky of her creative decisions, writing“Why do we start with this reunion and look back at past seasons and who had the baby??? I just know it was Vanessa who did it!”

Now, we’re not sure if the accusations against the former model are true. However, she has appeared at crime scenes several times during past reunions.

maybe Best Tweet Tonight’s summary is, “I promise you, we don’t need to look back Love is blind Couples, we are there! ! ” Indeed, the past couple had nothing to offer, and their wacky introduction at the beginning of the episode was just a reference to their moments on the reality show. Those couples have since reunited behind the altar Special offer, let’s pack our bags and move on.

Thankfully, the reunion quickly moved away from the alums and into intense drama between Laura, Sarah Ann, and Jerami. The heated conversation provided some funny moments, such as Laura calling Jeremy a “clown,” something that was long overdue.

Love is blind Season six is ​​now streaming on Netflix.

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