Wealthy vlogger Ben Shapiro calls Social Security a ‘Ponzi scheme’ and calls retirement ‘dumb’

Ben Shapiro says a lot of stupid things. One of the stupid things he’s said recently is that he disagrees with the concept of retirement and doesn’t think Americans should do it. It’s definitely a “take off the mask” moment for Shapiro, who has spent a lot of time trying to convince ordinary people that he’s just like them, Have their best interests at heart. The truth is, Shapiro is just a rich guy who, like many rich people, doesn’t understand what it’s like to be poor or middle class.

period a paragraph Shapiro recently said on his hugely popular right-wing show The Daily Wire: “It’s crazy that we’re not raising the retirement age… No one in America should be retiring at 65. Frankly, I think retirement itself Just a stupid idea unless you have some kind of health problem.”

Shapiro continued his rant down an equally strange path: “Every older, retired person I know is going to die within five years. If you talk to older people who have lost their purpose in life and stopped working because they lost their job, things are very You’re going to be in trouble soon.”

Very interesting, Ben. Oddly enough, I know a lot of people who have been retired for many years and are quite happy. But maybe they secretly long for a part-time job as a greeter at Walmart. you will never know. Maybe it would bring more “meaning” to their lives or something.

After making the argument that retirement leads to early death, Shapiro then turned to a very familiar liberal topic, that is, the cost of using the government to take care of the people is too high. Better to defund the federal welfare system and let the public work forever:

“On a fiscal and logistical basis, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt established 65 as the retirement age, the average life expectancy in the United States was 63 years. Today, the average life expectancy in the United States is closer to 80 years. If It’s crazy how you think you should be able to work and be paid a salary from age 20 to 65 (i.e. a 45 year period) and then you will get Social Security benefits to support you and your family, your wife or whoever, and then Lasting about 28 years – that’s a crazy statement. It’s not financially sustainable.”

It makes sense that Shapiro doesn’t understand the concept of retirement. After all, Shapiro’s “job” is just a job. Sitting in front of a camera spouting off about how the woke mob is ruining America isn’t exactly hard labor. How much money does Shapiro make doing this kind of thing? It’s not clear yet.online estimated claim His media companies are worth tens of millions of dollars.This guy recently listed one of his homes in Los Angeles On the market for $2.9 million. Suffice it to say, he’s not living paycheck to paycheck.

After receiving criticism for his views online — even from some of his own followers — Shapiro felt compelled to publish a follow-up to his original anti-retirement tirade. However, he didn’t really abandon his original point of view. “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that will 100% bankrupt the country,” Shapiro wrote on twitter. In another 20-minute video, Shapiro went on to call Roosevelt’s landmark social welfare program a “program” and complain about how it was unsustainable and would bankrupt the country.

Experts have pointed out that there is nothing fundamentally unstable about federal welfare programs, and given Congress passes revised funding plan, the program can continue indefinitely.This is not an abnormal phenomenon Threats to the National Debt.In fact, one of the largest recent increases in the national debt It’s the Trump administration that caused it At the time it provided massive tax breaks to the nation’s wealthiest people, like Shapiro.

I want to take Shapiro’s ideas seriously, though. I believe in reason, as Shapiro ostensibly believes. In order to prove something, you first need to do some trial and error. So I propose an experiment: I want to challenge Shapiro to lead by example and work hard into his nineties. To be fair, though, he should give up his cushy job as a vlogger and live and work like an average American.The median household income in the United States is approximately $74,000 per year. If Ben Shapiro committed to spending the next 40 to 45 years (or until he collapsed from exhaustion) in a job that offered about half that – possibly a contract with DoorDash or Uber, then maybe I’d consider him View. Otherwise, he sounds like a reclusive rich guy who has never struggled a day in his life.

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