Camp host puts a spin on the post-pandemic wilderness horror genre

wilderness-dark forest, country road-yes Preferred settings for the horror genre For obvious reasons. And what better place to watch than to watch urban buffoons flail? deep into naturemiles from the nearest cell tower, surrounded by unfamiliar and inevitably hostile forces?

camp hostIndie hits Free anchor Tubi This week, it largely follows that tradition, although it adds a few quirks to the story that make it feel very current.Written and directed by Henry Darrow McComas, who also co-wrote and co-produced monster squad Record werewolf cane, camp host Follow married couple Sadie (foreign residentsRachel Colwell) and Ed (NikitaAfter nearly three years of coronavirus lockdown, Dillon Casey hit the road in a campervan with his three-legged dog Meeka, determined to embrace nature. There’s tension between them – a normal side effect of their long road trip from California to Wisconsin, but you can also sense ongoing issues lurking beneath the surface. Ed is still working remotely; Sadie is “inactive right now” but gets annoyed when he checks his phone too often. He’s leaning toward eventually buying a house and settling down more, while she’s happy for them to live in the moment and explore together.

These stimuli permeate the entire camp host It comes to a head just when Ed and Sadie need each other the most – but the main threat in the movie has nothing to do with the emotional drama. Instead, it’s the never-named protagonist played by Brooke Johnson, who almost immediately goes from “welcoming” to “offensive” when Sadie and Ed arrive at her campsite.She’s white, but her eyes light up when she notices Sadie is Aboriginal (calling her “little bird” and “thunderbird” and creepily grabbing her beaded earrings), and she’s nonchalant Said “I kept a loaded revolver in the camper “times””. Red flag! But the main issue with the camp host was the rules she listed, which seemed practical enough – fire safety, observing quiet hours Wait – but it turned out to be camp hostinto brutal violence.

although camp hostWhile the story isn’t filled with too many surprises (it’s obvious from the moment we meet Johansson that her character is dangerous, and the film’s prologue foreshadows her evil tendencies), the film does offer a few welcome ones award. While Sadie is clearly smart and brave, she’s not always a sympathetic character, but Colwell still manages to make her someone you want to root for; at the same time, Johnson creates a uniquely endearing character. The uneasy character, an unhinged, power-mad environmentalist, eagerly awaits her next excuse to lash out.There’s also a creepy toilet scene will This question will bother you the next time you visit a campground with its shabby facilities.

camp host Arrive at Tubi on March 16th.

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