New subscription service has been launched my world For people who like to browse and download goodies from the market.
Announced this week, $3.99 per month or equivalent in your region market pass Provides access to over 150 content packs in the Minecraft Marketplace.
Minecraft x Marketplace Pass
Items in the market are updated monthly and include creator-made content such as worlds, mashups, skin packs, texture packs, and more. Some content is story-driven, some content is combat-focused, some content will speed you up, some content will solve puzzles, and some content will change the scene.
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can be used Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, each month you can also collect a new set of character creator items to wear starting this month, including a set of mythical boots, bodysuits, crowns, and other limited-edition items. Once redeemed, they will stay in your wardrobe.
The pass offers a 30-day trial for new members, and subscription will begin at regular member rates unless canceled. This pass does not support Amazon Kindle Fire or Minecraft Java Edition.
If you already subscribe to Realms Plus, you don’t need to subscribe to Marketplace Pass as you already have access to the same content. Realms Plus includes a personal server for you to play with up to ten friends, while Marketplace Pass is more suitable for solo adventurers.
For more information, head to Marketplace Pass to see what’s included in your subscription this month.