OLD SAYBROOK, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Old Saybrook is now powered by 100% fiber optic internet from GoNetspeed, the company announced today. GoNetspeed has been working hard to build the infrastructure to serve Old Saybrook, providing the community with high-speed, multi-gigabit fiber optic internet. GoNetspeed’s infrastructure now provides symmetrical Internet to more than 4,400 residents and businesses, allowing customers to upload online as fast as they can download through a $3.6 million investment in private community funding.
“GoNetspeed is proud to now serve thousands of people in Connecticut,” said Tom Perrone, Chief Operating Officer of GoNetspeed. “With access to high-speed fiber optic internet, our customers’ lives will be better. Our infrastructure is designed with the end user in mind.” at the forefront of our operations. We strive to ensure our consumers have access to an internet that integrates seamlessly into their lives while improving overall online life.”
Fiber optic internet provides communities with next-generation internet services that promote community growth, competition and economic development. Old Saybrook has 100% fiber optic internet for faster speeds and greater reliability, laying the foundation for the community to build a successful online future.Interested residents and businesses can confirm service by visiting gonetspeed.com Availability Learn their location and register for service installation.
GoNetspeed continues to ensure that more communities across Connecticut have access to high-speed, 100% fiber optic internet infrastructure. Currently, more than 30 communities across the state have access to GoNetspeed’s services, and many more communities are successfully connecting to GoNetspeed’s fiber optic Internet.
With a legacy of innovation and commitment to customer service, GoNetspeed is excited to accelerate the expansion of its fiber optic network in nine states, including Connecticut. GoNetspeed continues to deliver more fiber, more access, faster speeds and better reliability to residents and businesses across our footprint. With access to 100% fiber optic internet, customers receive symmetrical upload and download speeds ranging from 500 Mbps to 2 GB. To learn more about GoNetspeed, visit gonetspeed.com.
About GoNetspeed:
GoNetspeed is a high-speed fiber optic internet provider serving residential and business customers in Maine, Alabama, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and West Virginia, which offers In January 2021, GoNetspeed partnered with Oak Hill Capital (“Oak Hill”) to accelerate the expansion of its fiber optic network in the Northeastern United States. GoNetspeed is one of the largest independent Internet providers in the East, adding thousands of new service areas each year. For more information about GoNetspeed, or to inquire about services at your home, business or community, visit gonetspeed.com.
Contact information
Catherine Yocham