10 ChatGPT Tips for AI – Maximize Your Productivity

Main points

  • ChatGPT is a versatile tool that can be used to help with explanations, ideas, editing, games, recommendations, travel planning, translations and roles.
  • Use specific prompts to get tailored results and improve interactions with AI.
  • ChatGPT has the ability to simplify text, brainstorm ideas, and translate multiple languages.

ChatGPT gives us almost unlimited possibilities. This growing AI tool can help with anything from writing and studying to practicing skills or creating stories. The only limiting factor is your imagination and how well you can inspire it. ChatGPT is getting smarter all the time, but some tips work better than others.

Talking to an AI like ChatGPT or Gemini, especially for the first time, can feel awkward. You may not know how to properly render what you’re asking for to get the results you want because it’s more like having a conversation than typing keywords into a search engine. Let’s take a look at some of the best ChatGPT prompts you should try first to see what this AI can do and give you an idea of ​​how to create your own prompts for your specific goals.


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1 Basic instructions

Explain it like I’m five years old

Chat GPT
Chat GPT

One of the best uses of ChatGPT is to provide quick, easy answers to any questions you may have. Instead of sorting and filtering through multiple Google results, which might not even give you the results you want, ChatGPT responds in simple language you can easily understand. It’s also much easier to get the specific details you want than the broad explanations Google tends to provide.

Tip The best way to explain a concept is to “explain (topic) like I was ten years old.” If you want a more understandable response, you can ask that it be in bullet or list format instead of paragraphs.


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2 Brainstorm ideas

Get your juices flowing

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Chat GPT

If you’re stuck creatively, ChatGPT can help you spark your creativity in any medium you want. Whether you’re a writer trying to come up with the next plot detail, a marketer who needs to resonate with a specific audience, or a parent trying to come up with ideas for a kid’s birthday party, ChatGPT can generate a lot of creative ideas. quick.

The best tip for getting ideas is to first solicit them in whatever format you’re using, but be specific to your target audience. For example, “Create ideas for a sci-fi story for ages 18-30, focusing on action and romance.” This includes the genre, age range, and elements you want to include. The more specific you are, the better your results will be. From there, you can tweak and tweak what you used as a starting point.


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3 summarize text

break it down

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Chat GPT

Sometimes we just don’t have time to read the entire article in the time allotted to us. Whether it’s for work, school, or other obligations, getting a quick summary will at least give you a working understanding of something until you have time to fully read it. However, if it’s not a book, chances are no one has actually summarized the text you have.

Assuming your formatting can be easily pasted into ChatGPT, you can simply dump the text into the chat box and prompt it to break it down for you. My favorite way to get basic information is to say, “Summary the text and give me a bullet point list of the most important information.” If you don’t like bullet points, you can also ask that it be limited to a certain number of sentences.


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4 Write content with style

add some sounds

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Chat GPT

Everyone has that one person, real or fictional, whom they think has amazing language skills. It might be the way they speak or write, but there’s something about their tone and personality that feels impossible to replicate. It’s difficult to try to imitate someone else’s style, but ChatGPT pulls from a variety of sources and makes a very convincing attempt.

For example, if you want to write a blog post about solar panels that sounds more interesting and exciting, you could prompt ChatGPT to “Write a blog post about solar panels in the style of Quentin Tarantino” article”. You can choose any famous author or even a fictional character with a strong voice that you admire.


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5 Edit your work

Bring out the best in yourself

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Chat GPT

When you spend most of your time chatting casually with friends online via text or chat messages, your formal writing skills may start to get a little rusty. Whether it’s an email to your boss or client or a formal report, sometimes you need to be absolutely sure you didn’t make any serious mistakes.

ChatGPT is a great editor. Not only does it clean up any spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes, it can also help strengthen your sentence structure and provide suggestions on how to change certain wordings to make them more professional.Enter your text and then ask ChatGPT to “make my (text) sound more professional and use stronger words. Also correct any spelling or grammatical errors


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6 play some games

fair play

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Chat GPT

Why keep ChatGPT working? If you have some time to kill and no one else to hang out with, this AI will play some games with you. As it turns out, you might be surprised by the number of games you can play just through text. ChatGPT is very smart, so you will have a worthy opponent.

The obvious game you can play with ChatGPT is 20 questions, and it already knows the questions, so you can just say “let’s play 20 questions” to get started. Some other games it knows are Tic-Tac-Toe, Guess the ASCII Art (draw me the ASCII Art and I’ll try to guess what it is), Executioner, and Choose Your Own Adventure. There are many more, and if you’re creative, you can even make your own.


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7 Get advice

What to check next

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Chat GPT

The better you know your tastes, the harder it will be to find other media that resonates strongly with your favorite media. Once you’ve exhausted everything a director, writer, or artist has done, you’re stuck trying to find something new that can give you the same vibe. With ChatGPT, you can get a shortlist of recommendations that match your needs.

Ask ChatGPT to “Suggest me a (movie, TV show, game, etc.) like (an example you like).” You can leave it at that, or list the reasons why you like your example so ChatGPT can explain it more specifically Why its recommendations should appeal to you.


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8 plan a trip

perfect itinerary

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Chat GPT

Planning a trip can be a stressful task. Once you’ve planned your flight or driving route, you’ll want to make sure you make the most of the time it takes to get to your destination. This is almost impossible if you’re going somewhere new. Add in travel companions who are relying on you to organize things, and the stress can quickly build.

ChatGPT can be your trusted planner, providing detailed itineraries for any trip you book. Because everyone’s trip looks so different, the easiest way to prompt an AI is to start with “You’re a trip planner. Please base this on where I’m going, how many people are traveling with me, and our budget.” From there, ChatGPT will prompt you to fill in your personal needs and details in order to provide you with a personalized best trip.


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9 Translate anything

speak language

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Chat GPT

Speaking of travel, what if you’re adventuring in a country where you don’t speak the native language? This would have been a major hurdle in the past, but with tools like ChatGPT you can at least get by without an interpreter, or hope your guessing game skills are up to par.

All you need to do is ask ChatGPT to translate whatever you want to say into the language of your choice. For example, “Translate ‘Hi, my name is Jesse. I’m lost and looking for the train station. Can you point me in the right direction?’ into Japanese.” This will give you a Japanese text translation to display to the other party, And write the answer in Roman characters to try out the pronunciation. If you see text you can’t read, you can also reverse translate and ask ChatGPT to translate it into English.


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10 Talk to your favorite characters

The ultimate fan fiction

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Chat GPT

Who doesn’t want to be able to interact with their favorite fictional characters? Whether it’s Harry Potter, Frodo, Spider-Man or Goku, there’s a character we’ve longed to meet but never had the chance to. ChatGPT can’t really represent them for us, but it can speak exactly the way they do.

Whenever you want to chat with someone, whether living, dead, fictitious or otherwise, ChatGPT can do the job. prompts it to “pretend to be (chosen character/person) from (work/historical name).” ChatGPT will immediately introduce themselves as that person or character in their tone of voice and respond to what you say or ask as that character Anything until you prompt it to stop.

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