T-Mobile announces cheap backup internet plans, launches at even cheaper prices

If you’re a business owner and your current internet connection is unreliable, or you just want to be careful with your secondary connection, T-Mobile has a great new deal for you.

For just $15 per month you can get T move5G commercial internet backup.

Keep in mind that this will not be your primary internet connection and is primarily intended for customers with cable or fiber connections. It’s a backup option when your main internet stops working due to unforeseen issues such as device or network failure. This will ensure your business doesn’t come to a standstill when your primary internet goes offline.

If you are not a business user, this offer is not suitable for you.

The terms of the deal are also somewhat uncertain. T move said that with its backup solution, businesses can keep their critical equipment online for up to 7 days. This means that the $15 you pay per month is only enough for 7 days of internet use.

It is not clear how T move Usage will be evaluated and whether it is measured in hours.

Additionally, if you sign up before the price climbs to $30 (the plan’s actual price), you’ll only lock in the $15 monthly deal.

Even with the 7-day term and the original price of $30, this is an affordable option compared to other solutions with limited data allowances and the additional cost of purchasing the necessary equipment.

Router included in monthly fee T move Make sure the setup process is simple.

Since the details of the transaction are a bit confusing, you may want to contact T move Sales representative before signing a quote.

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