FF7 Rebirth The best materials to give characters new abilities

characters in Final Fantasy VII Reborn A large number of abilities are available, many of which come from study Unique weapon skills.others from Material, specifically the yellow sphere known as the “command” material. Equip one of these and boom!you have given yourself onenew promotersy.

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Some of these abilities are essential, such as assessment.Others are a bit silly, like Spare Change, which lets you throw money into your enemy.Please note that this is not a complete list all Type of command material.However, if you’re looking for the ability to heal your party, check out our dedicated guide Healing and Revival Materials. We also provide the best guide”polishing” materials to flesh out your character’s existing stats and abilities. For spell attacks, be sure to check out Our dedicated guide to magic materials.

Assessment materials

Arguably one of the most important material orbs you can find and use in the game, the Assessment serves as your guide for every battle. Once activated, you’ll gain an overview of your enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, their immunities, and anything noteworthy about their combat behavior. Once you’ve assessed an enemy in any particular battle, you can tap the touchpad to bring up details about them again. You can find assessment materials at:

  • Can be purchased from most item and material stores
  • Part of the Cloud startup load
  • Part of Yuffie’s starting equipment

dark side

The Dark Side allows you to deal more damage at the cost of health. For example, at Materia level 3, your skill damage will be increased by 15%, and each attack will take 5% additional damage. You can find dark side materials at:

  • Developing in the Nibel area with Chadley


Jumping is another classic final fantasy move. Typically restricted to players in the “Dragoon” class, the jump texture allows a character to fly into the air, then forcefully land and deal some serious damage. You can obtain jump materials from:

  • Developing in the Cosmo Canyon area with Chadley

steal material

A final fantasy A staple, stealing allows you to grab something from your enemies.This is an important part of success Capture King Tonberry’s crown In the side mission of “Hotel Inn Legend”. While you’re not always guaranteed to get something from your enemies, you can get a variety of items from them, from potions to armor and accessories. You can find the stolen material here:

  • Can be purchased from most item and material stores
  • Part of Yuffie’s starting equipment (nonsense)
  • The rooftop of the stately manor house of Corell Prison

Metamorphosis Materia Medica

Shapeshifting is a silly ability because it allows you to turn enemies into… items! This might be a convenient way to grow items, but honestly, rebirth It gives you tons of gil as you play more of the game, and Hard Mode doesn’t let you use items anyway, making the usefulness of morphing somewhat questionable. Whether you choose to use it or not, you can get deformation materials from:

  • Developing Prairie Areas with Chudley

Hey, where are the enemy skill materials?

The Enemy Skill Material will allow you to select an enemy’s abilities, making it a very valuable orb of magic to plug into something. You can obtain it by completing “Bio-Intelligence: Understanding the Enemy” in Chudley’s Combat Simulator.From there you need to complete more combat simulations and Evaluate various enemies to learn more enemy skills. We’ll cover these in their dedicated guides, so stay tuned!

small change

Change is another interesting ability. Once you have this material equipped, you can throw gold at enemies, dealing damage equal to the total amount of gold you throw. You can obtain backup materials from:

  • Developing in the Meridian Ocean area with Chadley


The Gambler is another quirky material. Once equipped, you can use Gamble to randomly select the skill or spell attack your team is equipped with. You can find Gambler’s Materia Medica at:

  • Complete the side mission “Can’t Stop Won’t Stop” in the Gold Saucer

rebirth Easily possess multiple capabilities remake Did it in 2020. While you may not find every one of these actions useful, many of them, like Assess, Enemy Skills, and Steal, will prove to be extremely valuable during your journey around Earth.

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