How to detect this disease

Players now have a few days to enjoy the world of Capcom’s action RPG Dragon’s Dogma 2 Since its release.The vast world is full of things to be discovered The intricately intertwined narrative excites many, but the game’s most dangerous (and mysterious) system drives players crazy.

Dragon Plague is a mysterious disease that spreads rapidly across the country Dragon’s Dogma 2, if not handled properly, can have dire consequences. If you pay attention and spot the early signs of dragon plague, you can avoid disaster.This is exactly what you need to pay attention to stop Dragon’s Dogma 2of infectious diseases.

What is Dragon Plague?

even before publishing Dragon’s Dogma 2Capcom disclose The existence of dragon plague.It’s a contagious disease that only spreads pawn (NPC party member in the game). Capcom warns that when the disease reaches an advanced stage, it will lead to “devastating catastrophe.”

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A character stands next to a corpse in a medieval town

Now Dragon’s Dogma 2 When it’s gone and in the hands of players, we know what this disaster will bring. If the player rests while a piece in their party has reached the final stage of Dragon Plague, a cutscene will play in which the piece transforms into a dragon and slaughters the population of the area you are currently in – including merchants and quest-given NPCs .

This means that if not handled properly, Dragon Plague can halt player progress due to the death of important NPCs. Of course, players can use awakening stones to resurrect NPCs, but resurrecting the entire population of a town like bustling Fernworth would take a lot of time and resources. Awakening Stone Fragments are the items needed to make Awakening Stones, are very rare and can only be found by searching the world. Players can also find the eternal awakening stone, which can resurrect multiple NPCs at the same time, but this requires completing the difficult side mission “Battle of Wits and Courage”. So while not strictly irreversible, the consequences of Dragonsplagye are difficult to repair.

What is the cause of dragon plague?

The disease is spread primarily through recruitment of pawns. Infected pieces can be hired as you encounter them in the world, or they can be recruited through rifts. Once an infected piece appears in your party, they have the opportunity to spread the disease to other pieces in your party.

Dialog box warning players about Dragon Plague in Dragon's Dogma 2

image: Capcom

The big question is how the disease begins – there are some theories, but none of them are currently proven. The first theory is that the chess pieces may have become infected while fighting the dragon. The second theory is that the Dragon Plague infected a chess piece after completing the true ending. Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Start a new game without changing your main pieces.This means that no matter who is the first player to complete the task Dragon’s Dogma 2Since the games share online elements, the actual ending and starting a new Game+ playthrough takes zero patience. But whatever the cause, how do you avoid Dragon Plague?

How to spot and treat dragon plague

While the game doesn’t list Dragon Plague as a status effect, there are still ways to identify if a piece in your party is carrying the disease. You can’t tell if a piece is infected before hiring it, but once you hire an infected piece, the Dragon Plague tutorial will pop up on the screen. If you want to avoid infecting your own pieces, you need to fire recently hired pieces as quickly as possible.

But after you first encounter the disease, it becomes more difficult to determine which pawns are infected because you will no longer see pop-ups.There are some visual cues You should pay attention. If you can manipulate the camera to look at the pawn’s eyes, they will glow red if they are carrying the Dragon Plague Virus. The eyes also twitch subtly every few seconds.Some players have also report Infected pieces will cover their heads or kneel in pain when idle.

The eyes of pawns infected with Dragon Plague will glow red.

image: Capcom

As the disease progresses, infected pieces become more reckless in combat, as if they are driven by some kind of bloodlust. Then they will start disobeying orders and start saying things like “Don’t tell me what to do!” There’s no indication of how long it will take for a piece to become infected to turn into a dragon and wipe out a town, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and fire the infected piece as quickly as possible. If your main pieces are infected, the only way to cure them is to kill them by throwing them into water, or letting them die in combat and then summoning them from the rift. Some players also reported that once they infected another piece in another player’s game, the main piece was cured.

While we still know nothing about Dragon Plague, it’s clear that the best way to prevent this disease is to keep a close eye on your pieces.

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