What exactly is the HP/MP stat swap material for?

most Final Fantasy VII Rebornof magic ball, known as Material, is fairly self-explanatory.Many allow you to obtain new attack spellsothers heal or resurrect youothers Enhance your partyThere are a lot more Debuff your opponent. But there are three matter orbs that may seem rather useless at first: they can swap two different attributes of your character.

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rebirth There are three such materials, one that lets you swap health and magic points, another that swaps physical and magical attack points, and one that switches physical defense to magical defense. Let’s see where to find them and some use cases.

HP⇔MP material

Let’s start with perhaps the strangest material rebirth. HP⇔MP Materia Swaps your HP and MP values. If you specify your character correctly, almost any character will have HP in the thousands and MP in the hundreds, so why on earth would you want to use this?

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Perhaps the most immediate use of this material is to help Open world exploration and world intel missions. As you move around the world, the more battles you engage in, the more likely you are to eventually run out of MP and HP as you recover health from battles and burn MP to heal yourself (especially on Hard Mode, where you Healing items cannot be used). This is where HP⇔Materials comes in. Equip it to a character you don’t use in your active combat party, preferably one with a lot of health in addition to healing material.

If you’re late in the game this will cause your character’s MP to be in the thousands, so feel free to use them as your default healer outside of combat so you don’t have to go to rest stops more often.

You can find HP ⇔ MP Materia from:

  • Mount Fuji’s Mako Fountain Level

Did you notice anything wrong, Kubo?

FF7 reborn It’s a big game.If anything in this guide doesn’t sound right to you, please send an email to Tips@kotaku.com.


ATK⇔MATK material exchanges the character’s attack power and magic attack power values. This is a great way to make a character with strong magic attacks become better at physical attacks. On the other hand, it can turn a character with a high physical attack value into a more capable and powerful spellcaster.

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You can find ATK⇔MATK materials at:

  • The fourth floor of the ventilation control room of Shinra Manor (played by Cait Sith throughout the entire episode)

VIT⇔SPR material

If you’re more spiritual than energetic, VIT⇔SPR materials are a quick and dirty way to boost your body’s defenses. Mind controls magic defense, so you’ll take hits there, but your physical defense will be boosted by it. This isn’t a bad way to prepare if you want to take out a particularly tough enemy that prioritizes physical damage attacks. You can find VIT⇔SPR materials at:

  • Reward for “Nibel Combat Intel “Death Harbinger” in Chudley’s Battle Simulator

I wouldn’t blame you if you overlooked these orbs at first glance. Honestly, other than ATK ⇔ MATK, the other two attribute-swapping material balls are only useful in specific situations.That said, one of the biggest advantages is FF7The material system gives you the freedom to experiment and customize the material load to your desired play style. Feel free to experiment and see if you can find any cool combinations.

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