BioShock creator’s new game Judas reportedly feels a lot like, well, BioShock

Following the latest trailer that aired at the State of Play showcase in late January, we now have more information about Judas, the upcoming sci-fi action game from Ghost Story Games, the studio behind BioShock ” co-created by Ken Levine.

If you’ve been eagerly awaiting any news about the game since its release in late 2022, you’ll be happy to hear there’s some gameplay to be had this time around. judgment? Well, that sounds interesting and a lot like BioShock.

Ghost Story Games invited IGN and Geoff Keighley to play the game for 5 or 6 hours, and now they’re sharing their thoughts on what they saw during that time. The former said that Judas is “a first-person narrative-driven shooter that will feel familiar to BioShock fans from a moment-to-moment gameplay perspective.”

Yes, as Keighley outlined, there’s the classic combination of weapons in one hand, powers in the other, there’s some hacking, and plenty of the typical in-depth story elements. Basically, he said “everything you’d expect in a Bioshock game is there.” That said, both do point to something designed to bring something a little different to what we’ve experienced before on the Rapture and Columbia tours.

The big one seems to be the annoying “narrative lego,” a phrase Levine used during his 2014 GDC talk that, for a long time, represented the only idea we had of his future goals in gaming. hint. . What does it mean? Well, flexible narratives can adapt more dynamically to player choices, which Levine actually explains more about now.

He explained to IGN: “We call it pseudo-programming because it’s not like Minecraft where everything is generated by a set of purely mathematical heuristics and you build all these smaller block elements in the game , then teaches the game how to make intrinsically good levels, and [a] Good stories and, most importantly, reactions to what you do. “

As an example, he added: “So, when you decide to go, ‘I’m not going to do that, I’m going to go all the way here,’ then [this] The game knows what to do, because in BioShock Infinite, the player just walked this far, and [that game] Panicking and saying, I can’t do that, I can’t do that. “

No matter what you think, Judas is set on a giant spaceship called the Mayflower, led by three characters: Tom, Nefertiti, and Hope, and it’s designed to transport humanity from An earth that doesn’t sound too hot for the brand to ship out. New planet, sounds cool.

So hopefully when the game, which doesn’t yet have a release date, does arrive, it’ll be a great time.

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