Dragon’s Dogma 2 meat feast! Hot meats ranked from worst to best! Your doctor hates it…

Clearly, there’s a lot to love about Dragon’s Dogma 2. This game is better than a lot of the other games we’ve featured in recent months (yes, I’m including Final Fantasy 7 Reborn too), and we think that’s due to some truly unique quirks and charming little features that you can All over Capcom’s latest action role-playing game. Do you want an example? For my money, you’ll love the live cooking scene.

That’s why I was pleasantly surprised when the good folks at Eurogamer ranked every cooking cutscene from worst to best, which you can watch in the video above! Not only is it full of meat puns (as you’d expect), but it’ll also help you get the troublesome achievement/trophy if you follow it yourself.

Obviously, rotten meat ranks at the bottom, but you might be surprised that it ranks near the top. This reminds me of a story from college. Did you know that an old roommate of mine once ate uncooked sausages in front of four people and pretended they were cooked? We teased him about his inability to cook sausages properly, and instead of admitting that he couldn’t even overcook food, he proved it by force-eating three raw sausages. Apparently, he later became ill. He didn’t even get a trophy for it – I think he failed it in his third year. £25,000 down payment and no trophy…

Don’t be like him. Watch the video! It was great, like a montage of cooking shots with British narration. People like that. Lucrative Internet careers are built on less. Watch and leave a comment, you can even like it if you’re brave. Do it, I dare you.

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